About American Camellia Society
The American Camellia Society is a national membership organization dedicated to fostering appreciation for and knowledge of plants of the genus Camellia.
The American Camellia Society is a national membership organization dedicated to fostering appreciation for and knowledge of plants of the genus Camellia. Founded in 1945, the Society is headquartered at Massee Lane Gardens near Fort Valley in Central Georgia. Massee Lane Gardens has nine acres of camellia plantings and an additional twenty-plus acres devoted to specialty gardens and collections.
The American Camellia Society Programs:
- sponsors a variety of educational activities
- offers various publications
- helps sponsor scientific research
- sanctions camellia flower shows and accredits camellia show judges
- oversees varietal registration of new camellia cultivars
- is central to organized camellia activity in the United States
The American Camellia Society is a member of the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta and of The International Camellia Society. Massee Lane Gardens is an International Garden of Excellence. The Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
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The American Camellia Society - Governance
Board of Directors, ACS Trust, Council of State Directors, Massee Lanes Garden Council, Past Presidents, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Strategic Plan & more