Novice Judge Application Form

Novice Judge Application Form
Apply to become a novice camellia judge.
Requirements for becoming a Novice Judge are accepted on the “Honor” system. I do hereby make application to the American Camellia Society for appointment as a Novice American Camellia Society (ACS) Judge.
Requirements for becoming a novice judge:
Requirements for becoming a novice judge:
- Must be a member of the American Camellia Society in good standing;
- Must be a member of a local Camellia Club/Society;
- Must be at least 21 years of age;
- Must successfully complete an ACS Certified Judging School;
- Must serve as a clerk at a minimum of two ACS Cooperative Camellia Shows;
- Must own and grow at least 10 camellia varieties;
- Must have exhibited a minimum of 10 blooms at ACS Cooperative Camellia Shows within the past two-years;
- Must complete Novice Judge requirements in no more than five (5) years;
- Must agree to have contact information published on the Judges’ Roster for the purpose of being contacted for show participation and to assist local camellia clubs or societies in the development of show programs; and
- Must complete and submit this form to ACS and pay $10.00 application electronically.