Gift Shop & Plant Sales
Prices include shipping within the Continental USA. Offshore must call with credit card for initial purchase. A second transaction will pay for international postage after the shipment has been completed. Members and clubs, please sign in for your qualifying discounts. If you experience problems on site, please call (478) 967-2358 for assistance. Thank you for your support of ACS.
ACS Logo, Clothing and Accessories
Please contact us before ordering to insure size and color availability.
Charm-ing Ornaments
Please contact us before ordering to insure availability.
Crystal Ware
Camellia Etched Glass
Donations, Memorials & In Honor Of
Help us do more of what we do well. Make a sustaining contribution to the American Camellia Society today!
Dr Squatch Men's All Natural Soap
Fragrances a Man's Way