Accredited Judge Application

Accredited Judge Application
Novice judges who are ready to advance to an accredited judge status should use this application form.
I do hereby make application to the American Camellia Society for appointment as an Accredited American Camellia Society (ACS) Judge.
Requirements for becoming an accredited judge:
- Must be a member of the American Camellia Society in good standing;
- Must be a member of a local Camellia Club/Society;
- Must have attended and successfully completed an ACS Certified Judging School and passed the written exam, with the results submitted to the American Camellia Society’s Headquarters;
- Must have been appointed as a Novice Judge;
- Must must serve as a Clerk for at least two ACS Cooperative Camellia Shows;
- Must own and grow at least 20 camellia varieties;
- Must have exhibited a minimum of 25 blooms at ACS Cooperative Camellia Shows
- Must be familiar with the characteristics of at least 50 different camellia varieties;
- Must serve as a Novice Judge in at least six (6) ACS Cooperative Shows within five (5) years since my appointment as a Novice Judge; and
- Must be recommended as qualified to be an Accredited Judge by at least two Accredited Judges.