Show Season Planning Tips & Checklist

Show Season Planning Tips & Checklist
This checklist will help you keep track of tasks and timelines essential for a successful season for your club and exhibitors.
The 2019-2020 American Camellia Society Coopertive Camellia Show Season is rapidly approaching!
The 2019-2020 Cooperative Camellia Show Season is rapidly approaching. This checklist will help club liaisons and show chairs keep track of tasks and timelines essential for a successful season for your club and exhibitors. You will find it helpful to review Camellia Show Rules and Regulations: Governing Procedures and Judging of American Camellia Society Cooperative Shows each year. Please contact Lorie Huff, ACS Membership Coordinator, by email or toll-free at (877) 422-6355 with any questions.
2019-2020 Cooperative Camellia Show Season Planning Tasks, Tips and Timelines
1. Update club membership, club liaison designee, club contact information, and club web page content.Use the ACS website Club Menu, located under the About Tab to renew your club’s membership, update the club’s officers, club liaison designee and contact information.
2. Register cooperative camellia show with the American Camellia Society, submit show schedule and receive customized ACS show report form.
Use the ACS website Show Menu, located under the About Tab, to view the Show Calendar and Show Archives and to Register a Show.
Show schedules may be submitted through the show registration form or by sending the document as an email attachment to Show schedules are used by ACS to create and update a customized show report form for each registered cooperative show. When ACS receives a show schedule, it will be posted on the website, the report form will be updated, and the document will be emailed to the Club’s show reporter, show contact and show chair.
3. Invite American Camellia Society active accredited judges and novice judges listed on ACS Website and remind judges in your club to renew their ACS membership.
Use the ACS website Show Menu ACS Active Judges Listing, located under the About Tab, to invite ACS accredited judges and novice judges. Active judges and novices are listed by state and are updated weekly. Only accredited judges listed on the website are eligible to judge ACS cooperative camellia shows.
Please remind any judges in your club to renew their membership to remain eligible to judge this season. Remind novice judges to have evaluations completed and returned to ACS.
4. Show Kits: Order show certificates, entry cards, award gifts and camellia care plant tags.
Use the ACS Order Show Products option from the ACS website Show Menu, located under the About Tab, for award certificates, etched crystal and other award prizes. Items from the ACS Gift Shop also make great award prizes.

Plan for and schedule volunteers to sell ACS and local club memberships at the Membership Promotion Table during the period when the show is open to the public. Show kits will include a flyer promoting the $10 E-Membership offer and one pad of E-newsletter sign-up forms with instructions. Clubs that sell plants may call (877) 422-6355 to request a supply of camellia care plant tags.
5. Submit cooperative show results report to the American Camellia Society.
Show reporters will enter winning blooms and exhibitors in the ACS Cooperative Show Results Report document and submit it to ACS as an email attachment to ACS Headquarters must receive the show results report within seven days for posting on the ACS website and to be included in the point counts for “The Judges Have Spoken” section in the American Camellia Yearbook.