ACS Exhibition and Awards Committee
ACS Exhibition and Awards Committee
The Exhibition and Awards Committee recommends the originators of outstanding camellias for several awards each year. The winners are appended each year to the National Camellia Award pages in the American Camellia Yearbook.
Illges Seedling Japonica Award, Est. 1949: The Illges Medal is awarded each year to the originator of a seedling, not a sport, of Camellia japonica according to the recommendation of the Exhibition and Awards Committee.
Ralph Peer Sasanqua Award, Est. 1958: A plaque is awarded to the originator of a seedling sasanqua each year (Camellia sasanqua, Camellia hiemalis, Camellia vernalis) on the recommendation of the Exhibition and Awards Committee. The silver bowl is retained by ACS.
Harris Hybrid Award, Est. 1963: A plaque is awarded each year on the recommendation of the Exhibition and Awards Committee to the originator of a seedling, not a sport, involving a cross of two or more species of camellias. The silver bowl is retained by ACS.
Sewell Mutant Award, Est. 1963: A silver Revere bowl is awarded each year to the originator of a sport showing a distinct break in color or form. A variegation such as white mottling or spotting ordinarily attributed to virus variegation shall not fall within the use of the words “mutant” or “sport” as used herein. It is awarded on the recommendation of the Exhibition and Awards Committee.
John A. Tyler, Jr. Miniature Award, Est. 1979: A plaque is awarded each year to the originator of a miniature as described by the Camellia Nomenclature on the recommendation of the Exhibition and Awards Committee.
Harold Cawood Award, Est. 1985: A plaque is awarded each year to the originator of the best white Camellia japonica on the recommendation of the Exhibition and Awards Committee.
Charlotte C. Knox Reticulata Award, Est. 1988: The originator of an outstanding seedling of Camellia reticulata or hybrid with C. reticulata parentage will receive a plaque on the recommendation of the Exhibition and Awards Committee. The permanent cup is at ACS headquarters.
Kathryn and Les Marbury Award, Est. 1991: A plaque is awarded each year to the originator of the best small or small to medium Camellia japonica, or a hybrid of Camellia japonica with other species except Camellia reticulata. The permanent cup remains at ACS headquarters.
Carol Selph - Pinetta, FL
Justin Bergamini
Bob Black
Jim Campbell
Carol Schanz
Skip Vogelsang
Updated June 1, 2023