Submit / Update Content for Club and Society Page

Submit / Update Content for Club and Society Page
How to fill out the below form
The top part of the form requires standard information such as the Club/society Contact and their information.
The second part has to do with meetings and elections.
The third part has to do with your club's presence on the ACS Website.
This consists of nine inputs/areas:
- Information for the "More" section of your webpage. Usually this is information about the history of you club, its purpose and perhaps information about an upcoming show.
- A membership Application Form - docx, doc or pdf format
- Recent Newsletter - docx, doc or pdf format
- Up to 10 Photographs - jpg, jpeg or png format
- Titles for up to 10 photographs - fill out form
- Club/Society Officers - fill out form
- Club/Society Board of Directors - fill out form
- Club/Society Schedule for the present year - fill out form
- Up to Four Camellia Points of Interest in Your Area - give website(s)
Once the above is completed, ACS Personnel will construct a Webpage for your Club/Society. To see an example, go to the link for the new Greensville Camellia Society. This is a very easy way to have a beautiful web presence which can be updated at the beginning of each camellia season!
This Webpage can be used as an advertising tool for your Club/Society.
Because of hacking problems, the ACS is no long putting personal phone numbers and email addresses on the ACS website. It is STRONGLY suggested that you get an email address specifically for your Club/Society and have this be the only contact between the Club/Society and the Outside World. This way only one person gets emails and, if necessary, they can forward the email to the appropriate person. This email address can also be used for your Upcoming Shows page. An example of the Club/Society email address could be of the form