Kogane-nishiki (Golden Brocade)

Kogane-nishiki (Golden Brocade)
Species | hybrid |
Bloom Name | Kogane-nishiki (Golden Brocade) |
Color | slender stripes of red on pale yellow background |
Size | Small |
Bloom Season | mid-season to late |
Growth Characteristics | upright |
Growth Rate | |
Hardiness Zone | |
Originator | Kazuo Yoshikawa |
Year Originated | 1993 |
Place of Origination | Osaka |
Heritage | Betty Foy Sanders |
Seed Parent | C.nitidissima |
ICR Link | http://camellia.unipv.it/camelliadb2/dbwin.php?pippo=10946 |
ICR Link | https://camellia.iflora.cn/Cutivars/Detail?latin=Kogane-nishiki (Golden Brocade) |