Lakeland Camellia Show - 2024

Lakeland Camellia Show - 2024

American Camellia Society

Show Results
Lakeland, FL
January 13, 2024

C. japonica 'Betty Sheffield Supreme'
Lakeland Camellia Society
January 13, 2024
First Presbyterian Church
175 Lake Hollingsworth Drive
Lakeland, Florida 33801

Show Chairman - Sandra Wyche
Reporter - Sandra Wyche
Head Judge: Brian Dick

Accredited Judges: Janette Baggett, Marge Hendon, Bart Maris, Charlie Russ, Margaret Locke, Robert Reese, Gail Reese, Pat Shira, John Swanson, Judy Whalen, Sandra Wyche

Novice Judges: Natalie Brock, Jill Reed, Kathryn Sickling

530 Blooms Exhibited
185 Attendees
18 Exhibitors
0 ACS Memberships Sold


Gold Certificate: 88 Blue Ribbons, Bart Maris
Silver Certificate: 60 Blue Ribbons, Viola Jane Spencer


Best Bloom in Show - John W. Shirah Award:
BB: 'Jenny Maphis', Bart Maris
RU: 'Easter Morn', Bob & Gail Reese

Best White Bloom in Show:
BB: 'Leila Gibson', Bob & Gail Reese
RU: 'Snowman', Bart Maris

C. japonica unprotected, untreated:
Lg/VLg: 'Lauren Tudor', Viola Jane Spencer
RU: 'Q Ball', Bart Maris
Lg: 'Tiffany Var. ', John Swanson
RU: 'Mary Fischer', Bob & Gail Reese
Md: 'Bella Jinhua', Charles Russ
RU: 'Betty Sheffield Supreme', Viola Jane Spencer
Sm: 'Pink Perfection', Margaret Locke
RU: 'Margaret Williams', Viola Jane Spencer

C. japonica unprotected, treated;
Lg/VLg: 'Q Ball', Bart Maris
RU: No Entry
Lg: 'Happy Birthday', Bart Maris
RU: 'Rena Swick Var.', Bart Maris
Md: 'Campari', Bart Maris
RU: 'Dixie Knight Supreme', Bob & Gail Reese
Sm: 'Tama Peacock', Bart Maris
RU: 'Pink Perfection', Margaret Locke

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected, untreated:
BB: 'Frank Houser', Kathryn Sickling
RU: No Entry

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected, treated:
BB: No Entry
RU: No Entry

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected, untreated:
BB: 'Charlean', Charles Russ
RU: 'Waltz Time Var.', Bart Maris

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected, treated:
BB: 'Dancing Blaze', Bart Maris
RU: 'Cile Mitchell', Bart Maris

Miniature unprotected:
BB: 'Little Slam', Viola Jane Spencer
RU: 'Night Rider', John Swanson

Best Sasanqua (and related species): BB: 'C. Amplexicaulis', John Swanson
RU: 'Mine-no-yuki', Sandra Wyche


BB: 'Ruth Milton', Bart Maris

Sport (Mutant):
BB: 'Miss Connie M', Bart Maris


Tray of Three-same variety unprotected:
BB: 'Snowman', Bart Maris
RU: 'Herme', Bart Maris

Tray of Five-different varieties unprotected:
BB: 'Five Beautiful Blooms', Bart Maris
RU: 'Five Beautiful Blooms', Bart Maris


Novice Bloom:
BB: 'Nuccio's Cameo', Debbie Edmiston
RU: 'Professor Charles S. Sargent', Debbie Edmiston

LOCAL AWARDS (Polk County Members Only)

C. japonica unprotected:
BB: 'Brian's Dawn', Janette Baggett
RU: No Entry

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected:
BB: No Entry