Gold Certificate (unprotected): 33 Blue Ribbons, Sarah Doctor-Williams
Silver Certificate (unprotected): 32 Blue Ribbons, Paul Huerkamp
Gold Certificate (protected): 50 Blue Ribbons, Howard & Mary Rhodes
Silver Certificate (protected): 19 Blue Ribbons, Jim Smelley
Best Bloom in Show Unprotected - John R. and Jean Comber Memorial Award: 'Pink Poodle', Hunter & Meg Charbonnet
Best Bloom in Show Protected - John Edwards Memorial Award: 'Dr. Clifford Parks', Howard & Mary Rhodes
C. japonica unprotected:
VLg: 'Edna Bass Var.', Alan McMillan
RU: 'Lauren Tudor', Sarah Doctor-Williams
Lg: 'Tomorrow Var.', Hunter & Meg Charbonnet
RU: 'Ada Alice', Jim DeReuil & Kristin Bennett
Md-Lg: 'Grand Marshal Var.', Skip Vogelsang
RU: 'Grand Marshal', Sarah Doctor-Williams
Md: 'Magic City', Jim DeReuil & Kristin Bennett
RU: 'Royal Velvet', Alan McMillan
Sm: 'Tudor Baby Var.', Al & Vickie Baugh
RU: 'Grace Albritton', Paul Huerkamp
Mn - Blanche Olsen Memorial Award: 'Fircone Var.', Skip Vogelsang
RU: 'Baby Sargent', Paul Bruno
Best White Bloom unprotected: 'Mary Alice Cox', Sarah Doctor-Williams
C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected:
VLg - Roger Vinson Award: 'Frank Houser', Greg Taylor
RU: 'Harold L. Paige', Paul Huerkamp
Lg: 'Hulyn Smith', Skip Vogelsang
RU: 'Pearl Terry Var.', Hunter & Meg Charbonnet
Md-Lg: 'Elizabeth B. Hunt', Greg Taylor
RU: 'Mary O'Donnell', Howard & Mary Rhodes
Sm-Md: 'Black Lace', Paul Bruno
RU: 'Jenny Maphis', Skip Vogelsang
C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected:
Lg-VLg: 'Phil Piet', Alex & Jane Hinson
RU: 'Polaris', Jim DeReuil & Kristin Bennett
Md: No Entry
RU: No Entry
Md-Lg: 'Joe Nuccio', Sarah Doctor-Williams
RU: 'Betty Ridley Var.', Ashley Maacks
Mn-Sm: 'Night Rider', John Mate
RU: 'Tiny Princess', Paul Huerkamp
Unprotected Trays
Best Tray of Three Japonica - same variety unprotected Charles & Jeanne Earnest Award: 'Tama Vino', Paul Huerkamp
Best Tray of Three Reticulata - same variety unprotected: 'Betty Ridley Var.', Alex & Jane Hinson
Best Tray of Three Non-Reticulata Hybrids - same variety unprotected: 'Desert Moon', Alex & Jane Hinson
Best Tray of Three - any combination unprotected: 'Carter's Sunburst, Tomorrow Var., Willard Scott', Hunter & Meg Charbonnet
C. japonica protected:
Lg-VLg: 'Lauren Tudor', John Searucy
Sm-Md: 'Betty Sheffield Supreme', Howard & Mary Rhodes
Mn: No Entry
Best White Bloom protected: No Entry
C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) protected:
Lg-VLg: 'Jim Smelley', Howard & Mary Rhodes
Sm-Md: No Entry
C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Mona Jury', Jim Smelley
Sm-Md: 'Dragon Fireball', Howard & Mary Rhodes
Mn: 'Loraine Gloria', William & Sandee Khoury
Protected Trays
Best Tray of Three - same variety protected: 'Purple Haze', Jim DeReuil & Kristin Bennett
Best Tray of Three - any combination protected: 'Bella Jinhua, Audrey Claire, Just Darling', Howard & Mary Rhodes
Best Species: 'Moonshadow', Jim DeReuil & Kristin Bennett
Best Seedlings:
Lg-VLg: 'Angela', Paul Bruno
Mn-Md: 'CH 15 Sasanqua', Skip Vogelsang
Best Sport (Mutant): 'Daddy Mac - Red', George & Jane Davis
Best Spray: 'Mine-no-yuki', Jane Benson
NOVICE / STUDENT (Combined Japonicas, Reticulata & Non-Reticulata Hybrids)
VLg: No Entry
Lg: 'Mathotiana', Brianna Murdock
Md-Lg: No Entry
Md: 'Professor Charles S. Sargent', Brianna Murdock
Sm: 'Autumn Perfection', Brianna Murdock
Mn: No Entry
Tray of Three - Best Tray (Same Variety): No Entry
Tray of Three - Best Tray (any combination): 'Leslie Ann; Sparkling Burgandy; Green's Blue', Tricia Bowen
Best Unprotected Pink Perfection Bloom - Alma Jordan Memorial Award: 'Pink Perfection', Alex & Jane Hinson
Best Peggy’s Blush - Don and Peggy Applegate Award: 'Peggy's Blush', Jim DeReuil & Kristin Bennett
Best Five Flags Variety - Hooten Family Memorial Award: 'Peggy's Blush', Skip Vogelsang
Best Antique Bloom (Pre 1937): 'Roma Risorta', Richard Freeman