1948 American Camellia Yearbook
Table of Contents
Inside Cover and Copyright
vi American Camellia Yearbook - 1948
vii American Camellia Society - Officers, State Directors, Directors-at-Large
vii Table of Contents
1 The Charm of Camellias
Dr. Maurice Amsler
18 Commercial Camellia-Flower Production
Joe Richards
31 Hormones, Chemicals, and Camellias
James Stokes
40 Camellia Reticulata in the Pacific Northwest
John W. Schaefer
42 Camellias in Raleigh, North Carolina
Mrs. R. L. McMillan
48 McComb, The Camellia City, and Its Locally Named Camellias
Otis Cotten
52 Magnolia Gardens
C. N. Hastie, Jr.
58 The Nomenclature of Some Japanese Camellias
E. G. Waterhouse
64 Australian Importations
William E. Wylam
69 Camellias in the Northwest
Mrs. O. B. Thorgrimson
72 History of Camellias in Central Florida
M. J. Daetwyler
75 Experiments on the Flowering of Camellias
James Bonner
82 Descriptions of Varieties Illustrated
H. Harold Hume
83 Progress Report on Camellia Breeding
W. E. Lammerts
89 Storing Camellia Pollen
K. Sawada
90 Rooting Responses of Several Varieties of Camellia Japonica
Onis D. Hyatt
93 1947 Camellia Cutting Experiments
K. Sawada
98 Use of a Collar in Grafting
Dr. Chapman J. Milling
100 Leaf Beetles Attacking Camellias
A. N. Tissot, H. Harold Hume
107 Possibility of Utilizing Virus Infection as a Means of Producing New Varieties of Camellias
A. G. Plakidas
110 Camellia Scab
A. G. Plakidas
117 Camellia Root Rot
D. L. Gill
120 Dieback
Sigmund J. Katz
124 More About Camellia Dieback
Erdman West
127 Tests with New Insecticides
R. A. Hetrick
129 Hardiness of Camellias
E. Frank Zieser
129 The Winter in Greenville, Mississippi
E. Frank Zieser
130 Cold-Weather Camellias
L. Dow Pender, Jr.
137 The Winter in Wilmington, N. C.
S. L. Marbury
138 Camellia Japonicas Survive Hard Winter, 1948
Rev. Frank Stanford Persons II
140 How Camellias Behaved Through Two Snowstorms in Virginia
Miss Evelyn Collins Hill
142 Camellias in Knoxville, Tennessee, 1948
Miss Eleanor W. Haasis
143 Cold-Resistant Varieties
R. J. Wilmot
143 El Paso, Texas
Mrs. G. H. Wilson
144 Flower Arrangement with Camellias
Mrs. Arthur P. Teele
153 The 1948 Arrangement Contest
Mrs. W. T. Wood
160 Illges Medal
W. T. Wood
163 New Camellia Varieties
176 1948 Camellia Variety Poll
William T. Wood
177 Camellia Shows
184 List of Members
219 Index
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