1949 American Camellia Yearbook
Table of Contents
Inside Cover and Copyright
v American Camellia Yearbook - 1949
vii American Camellia Society - Officers, State Directors, Directors-at-Large
viii Table of Contents
1 Camellias around the World
Ralph S. Peer
22 Camellias New and Old
W. Arnold-Forster
31 A Southwestern Garden-Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California
William Hertrich
38 Experiments on Camellia Nutrition
James Bonner and Shigeru Honda
49 Experiment in Deficient Feeding of Camellias
Ben Holst
53 The Effect of Continuous Light High Nutrient Level and Temperature on Flowering of Camellia Hybrids
Walter E. Lammerts
57 Growing Camellias on Sandy Soils
B. R. Fudge
64 Vermiculite as a Soil Amendment for Growth of Camellias
Walter J. Friedmann, Jr.
69 The Chromosomes and Plant Breeding
A. P. Lorz
78 Landscape Use of Camellias
William S. Wiedorn
82 Further Experiences with Camellia Breeding
K. Sawada
86 A Review and Study of Some of the Breeding Aspects of Camellia Japonica
George Sawada
95 Camellia Reticulata - An Enigma
Robert Casamajor
107 Camellia Sasanqua
Takashi Tanahashi
109 Resuscitation of the Dying
Dr. Maurice Amsler
112 The Effect of Fungicidal Dips on Rooting Camellia Cuttings
Henry F. Swanson
116 Camellias in English Gardens
H. Harold Hume
118 My Persona lObservations of Camellia Variants Brought about by Grafting and Rooting Cuttings
S. D. Coleman
122 Insects Infesting Camellias
A. E. Morrison
141 Corky Outgrowths on Camellia Leaves
A. G. Plakidas
147 Control of Insect Pests of Camellias
L. C. Kuitert
155 Camellias in New Zealand
E. G. Waterhouse
159 A Cameo on the Camellia, from New Zealand
Gordon Adams
164 Notes on Georgia Camelliana
James Stokes
187 The J. E. Youtz Camellia Collection
J. Ellsworth Youtz, Jr.
192 Camellias in Marshallville, Georgia
John D. Wade
198 Camellia Growing in Charlotte, North Carolina
Miss Cora A. Harris
202 Tidewater Virginia Compares Its Camellias
Frederic Heutte
206 Camellia Growing in the Portland Area
Mrs. J. S. Birrel
208 Camellias as House Plants
Dr. Albert J. Irving
211 Camellias at the University of Washington Arboretum
Robert J. Hansen
212 More about Hardy Camellias
P. W. Zimmerman
214 Preliminary Report on Trial of Camellia Varieties for Winter Hardiness on Long Island
Walter E. Lammerts
218 Cold Damage to Container-Grown Camellias in the Pasadena Area
William E. Wylam
222 Camellias Withstand Flood and Cold in Pacific Northwest
Morrie L. Sharp
226 Camellias in Columbia, South Carolina
Chapman J. Milling
229 Camellias in East Texas
Charles R. Aber
232 Effect of Severe Cold on some of the Newer Camellias
W. J. Parkes
234 The Spelling of Camellia Varietal Names
Austin Griffiths, Jr.
240 New Camellia Varieties
254 Registration of New Varieties
R. J. Wilmot
259 The Fourth Annual Meeting
259 Precautions to Observe in Exchanging Scions and Plants
Edgar C. Tullis
260 My Wishes for the Camellia of the Future
K. Sawada
263 Classification of Camellia Blooms by Structural Forms
R. J. Wilmot
265 Purpose and Program of the American Camellia Society
Harold L. Paige
269 The Verschaffelt Camellias
David W. McLean
277 Camellias for Milady
Mrs. L. Houston Reusch
281 Illges Medal Award, 1949
W. T. Wood
281 The 1949 Arrangement Contest
Mrs. W. T. Wood
291 Designing the Camellia Show Layout
Hubert B. Owens
295 Proposed Procedure for Staging a Camellia Show
Frank M. Exley
300 Definitions of Terms used in Camellia Shows
Mrs. W. T. Wood
307 Camellia Shows
324 List of Members
372 Index
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