1950 American Camellia Yearbook
Table of Contents
Inside Cover
v Foreword
vii American Camellia Society: Officers, State Directors, Directors-at-Large
viii Table of Contents
x Color Illustrations and Black & White Illustrations
1 The New Camellia Reticulata Hybrids
Dr. W. E. Lammerts
12 Notes of Varieties of Camellia Sasanqua
Kan Yashiroda
30 Camellias Imported by E. A. McIlhenny
Ira S. Nelson
37 Star Nursery Camellias
Frank D. Williams and Roy T. Thompson
47 Early Occidental Camelliana Part I
James Stokes
71 Some Notes on the Hong Kong Camellias
Ralph Dean
75 Camellias in Italy
E. G. Waterhouse
80 Camellia Culture in Belgium
Roger de Bisschop
83 Guichard Soeurs Nursury
H. Harold Hume
85 Camellias Abroad - 1950
Ralph and Monique Peer
92 The Camellia and Magnolia Conference of the Royal Horticultural Society
Ralph S. Peer
99 Some Interesting Camellias in England
C. P. Raffill
103 English Camellia Hybrids
W. Arnold-Forster
107 Chromosome Numbers in Cultivated Camellias
Earl B. Patterson, Mary Olga Longley, Donald S. Robertson
113 A Preliminary Report on Some American Camellia Hybrids
H. C. Swim
117 The Clower Seedlings
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clower
121 My Experience with Camellia Seedlings
R. L. Wheeler
124 Look-Away Gardens Camellias
Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Mealing
134 The Covina-Azusa-Glendora Camellias
Roy T. Thompson
142 The Gracious Lady and Rosebud Farm
Herbert V. Mitchell
144 Eight New Camellias from the West Coast
Ray T. Thompson
145 Old Camellias of the Gulf Coast
Edwina N. Mogabgab
152 Notes on Some Old Varieties
A. A. Hunt
154 Camellia Cottage
J. J. Whitfield
158 A Patriarch Among Camellias
J. M. Napier
162 The Camellia City of the South
J. M. Napier
166 Camellias in Vicksburg
Mrs. J. D. Pond
168 Camellias In and Around Washington D.C.
Jerry Hill
171 Winter Damage to Camellias at the University of Washington Arboretum
Robert J. Hansen
176 Camellias After the Winter 1949-1950
Mrs. G. W. Tritle
178 An Amatuers Experience with Camellia Japonica in the Northern Camellia Belt
C. Raymond Mays, M.D.
182 Protecting Camellias
Dmitri Vail
193 Greenhouse Camellia Culture
Dr. Royal Gick
201 Growing Camellias on a Porch
Mrs. F. E. Newbold
204 Delayed in Transit
Dr. Mouriee Amsler
206 Bare-Rooted Camellias
Sterling S. Tompkins
208 Planting Camellias: What, When, Where and How
John Niles Sewell
210 Soils and Soil Treatment for Camellias
Harry L. Daunoy
216 Soil Acidity and Camellia Growth
Nathan Gammon, Jr. and R. J. Wilmot
221 Nutrient Solution Fertilization in Relation to Feeding Camellia Plants Through the Leaves
Dr. Walter E. Lammerts
224 Nugreen as a Source of Nitrogen for Camellias
Edgar C. Tullis
227 Plant Patents
S. Henry Edmunds
233 Large Ones Can Be Grafted
William L. Gray
236 Growing Camellias from Seed
Fred T. Bergstrom
238 Graft Cutting Method of Propogating Camellias
Shogo Yamaguchi
241 Studies on the Propogation of Camellia Japonica Using Leaf Bud Cuttings and Root-Inducing Substances
H. Hamilton Williams
246 Propogation of Camellias by Cuttings
R. F. Stevens
254 Camellia Flower Blight
Roy A. Young and J. A. Milbrath
261 Control of the Insect Pests of Camellias
L. C. Kuitert
269 Excerpts from Panel Discussion at Annual Meeting, American Camellia Society, Lafayette, Louisiana, January 21-22, 1950
Prof. H. K. Riley
274 Dr. Nurseryman and "Camellia-Itis"
Margaret F. Higdon
280 Southern California Camellia Garden
Ronald B. Townsend
284 Norfolks Bureau of Parks Look to its Camellias
Frederic Heutte
288 Verschaffelt's Nouvelle Iconographie Des Camellias
George Graves
298 Color Photography of Camellias
Herbert V. Mitchell
303 The Fine Art of Arranging Flowers
Mrs. W. T. Wood
306 The 1950 Arrangement Contest
Mrs. W. T. Wood
315 Illges Medal Award 1950
W. T. Wood
319 History of the Temple City Camellia Festival
Mrs. Frank L. Maxey
322 Camellia Show Reports
339 List of Members
420 Index
432 Advertisers