1957 American Camellia Yearbook
Table of Contents
Relative Species and Varieties
1 Wild Camellias
Takasi Tuyama
16 Hybrids-Past and Future
David L. Feathers
19 Camellia Sasanqua-The Cinderella of the Camellia Family
Walter G. Hazlewood
23 Report from Southern California
William E. Wylam
33 We, The People, Vote For
E. A. Combatalade
37 Another Favorite Variety Poll
George Du Brul
43 Camellia Flower Blight
Luther W. Baxter, Jr., and W. M. Epp
53 Effects of Some Fungicides, Fertilizers, Insecticides, and Pruning on Camellia Dieback
D. L. Gill
General Culture
62 Are Camellia Flower Colors Affected by Temperature?
H. Harold Hume
64 Mist Grafting-A Progress Report
Frederic Heutte
70 Some Effects of Gibberellin on the Camellia
James Bonner and James A. Lockhart
74 The Chromosomes and Plant Breeding
A. P. Lorz
84 Soil Management and Nutrition of Camellias
W. C. Barnes
88 Water and Drainage in Camellia Soils
O. R. Lunt
94 Camellias and the Retail Nurseryman
E. P. Aiken
97 Protection from the Elements
Harold L. Paige
103 Experience in Establishing Camellias Outdoors in the New York Area
William A. Brooks
Plantings and Gardens
109 Camellias in the Piedmont Section
R. K. Pittman
114 Camellias for the Subtropics
Mrs. Gilbert Head
123 Camellias at Lake Charles, Louisiana
L. P. Frye
127 Commercial Propagation of Camellias in France
Claude Thoby, Sr.
131 Camellias in Descanso Gardens
John L. Threlkeld and Mark J. Anthony
170 Camellias at the United States National Arboretum, Washington, D. C.
Francis de Vos
178 Way Down Yonder-A Camellia Trail Through Louisiana
Mrs. Robert W. Smith
189 Camellias Serve as Great Mental Tranquilizers
Emmett L. Irwin
193 Another Letter from New Zealand
T. Durrant
198 Camellia Species at Villa Taranto
Neil McEaclwrn
201 Early Camellias and Camellia Growers in the Boston Area
Irene D. Nehrling
219 Camellia Pageant and Show, Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana
Corinne G. Judice
223 History of the Sacramento Camellia Society
Ernest L. Stevens
232 History of the Southern California Camellia Society
E. C. Tourje
243 The Year Mine-No-Yuki Flowered in Washington, D. C.
Francis de Vos
245 Collection of Camellias Cultivated in the Gardens of Cesare Franchetti-Amateur
Monique J. Peer
Camellia Literature
256 Bibliography of Japanese Camellia Writings
Eikichi Satomi
259 Pronunciation of Camellia Varietal Names
Jessie W. Katz and D. C. Strother
264 Additions to Camellia Literature
H. Harold Hume
Awards, Shows and Varietal Registrations
270 Illges Medal Award for 1956
Calder W. Seibels
272 The Story Behind-Tomorrow
Merain B. Wine
274 What Makes a Camellia Show Tick
Aubrey C. Harris
282 The 1957-58 Arrangement Contest
Mrs. W. Jack Bryant