1974 American Camellia Yearbook Volume II
Volume II Contents
Inside Cover and Copyright
vi Joseph Hicks Pyron
vii Dedication to Joseph Hicks Pyron
by Mrs. A. B.(Elizabeth) Cooper
ix Dedication to N. Terrell Weaver
by Mrs. T. J. (Marguerite) Smith
xiii American Camellia Society: Officers, State Directors, Directors-at-Large, Fellows, Bronze Plaque Awards, Past Presidents
xvii Table of Contents and List of Color Illustrations
1 ACS Awards
2 The American Camellia Society's Library
by Joseph H. Pyron
8 Meetings of American Camellia Society-Annual and Fall
by John N. Sewell
13 The American Camellia Society Endowment Fund-A Perspective
by Charles R. Butler
15 Camellia Family Trees
by Albert Fendig
24 Reticulata Hybrids Evaluated
by Willard F. Goertz
26 Woodroof Reports on New Varieties
by William Woodroof
29 The Camellia of the Year
by E. Kettle
31 A Discussion of the Camellia Reticulata
by David L. Feathers
36 Sasanquas on the West Coast
by Harold E. Dryden
40 Camellia Sasanqua
by Abram H. Cannon
50 New Camellias from the Southeast on the Show Circuit
by Clyde X. Copeland
51 New Camellia Introductions from the West Coast
by Melvin L. Gum and William E. Woodroof
53 Camellias in the Northeast.pdf
by Walter H. Burden, Jr.
57 Camellia Insect Control
by Gene R. Strother
63 Studies on Twig Blight, Canker, and Dieback of Camellias
by Luther W. Baxter, Jr.
76 A Current Look at the Gib Picture
by Willard F. Goertz
80 A Camellia Season with Gibberellic Acid
by Arthur A. Maryott
84 Grafting the Big Ones
by W. C. Freshwater
88 A Successful Grafter
by O. D. Hyatt and Tom Eagleson
91 Growing Camellias from Seed Requires Care and Patience
by Dick Richardson
95 Observations on New Camellia Hybrids
by F. E. Johnstone, Jr. and C. R. Parks
102 Camellia Japonica 'Dewa-Tairin'
by T. Savige
106 New Information on Yunnan Reticulatas from China
by Kinhachi Ikeda
118 Green Thumb Tips for the Urban Gardener-Mulching Ornamentals
123 How I Grow Camellias Under Glass
by Richard E. Ward
134 Bushland to National Camellia Garden-a Great Australian Achievement
by Eric Craig
142 Report on C. reticulata: E.G. Waterhouse National Camellia Garden
by Eric Utick
144 Thoughts on Camellia Sasanqua in New Zealand
by Harry Cave
148 Tsubaki Trilogy-A History of the Camellia in Japan
by Satohu Ogisu
167 Establishing Camellias and Maintaining Camellias in Western North Carolina
by Robert E. Shull
176 Camellias Flourish in North Carolina's Unique Elizabethan Garden
by Mrs. William Kemp
158 Galicia Revisited
by Hubert B. Owens
183 Camellia-Bordered Rose Window-McRae United Methodist Church
184 Camellia Research Is Fun
by Ken C. Hallstone
174 Color Rhythm in the Lathhouse
by Gertrude Thurman Stump
191 Camellia Hybridization Guidelines
by David L. Feathers
186 The Search for Floral Fragrance in Camellias
by W. L. Ackerman
198 Interspecific Hybridization of Camellias with Particular Reference to Fragrance
by Ken Hallstone
202 Some Personal Observations on Hybridizing
by Frank V. Pursel
204 A Possible New Dimension in Camellia Hybrids
by L. E. Jury
209 Some Good and Bad Garden Camellias
by Leslie Riggall
212 Reflection on this Years Show Winning Blooms
by E. Kettle
214 The Judges Have Spoken
218 Arrangement Contest, 1973-74
by Mrs. Mynelle (Hal E.) Haywood and Mrs. Ethel (William H.) Smith
229 Camellias Registered in the Past Year
241 List of Members
281 List of Member Societies and Clubs
283 List of International Members