1974 American Camellia Yearbook Volume I
Volume I Contents
v Dedication
Dedication to U. S. District Court Judge Sherrill Halbert
viii ACS Officers, State Directors, Directors-At-Large, Fellows, and Past Presidents
ix Table of Contents and List of Illustrations
1 ACS Awards.pdf
2 Camellias - Future Outlook
by David L. Feathers
5 Illges Award Winners - The Blue Chips of the Camellia Market
by Jon Laird Carvain
10 Why Go to Camellia Show and Attend American Camellia Meetings
by Mark S. Cannon
12 The Camellia, One of the Orient's Gifts to the West
by Lacy Bullard
18 In Appreciation of Mrs. William Parks Stevens and Her Magnificent Gift to ACS
by Joseph H. Pyron
20 In Appreciation of Carroll T. Moon
22 In Memory of Emory J. Prevatt
by Paul S. Sanders
23 Life was a Joyous Adventure to Dr. Bob
25 A Legacy of Camellias
by Mrs. Harold R. Cockrell
26 Starting with Camellias
30 Growing Camellias in the Sunshine
by Jay W. Ellis
33 Some Thoughts on Camellias
by Ferrol Ilene Zerkowsky
36 Selecting and Buying Camellias
by Arthur Squyres
39 Platonic Friends in a Camellia Garden
by Buxton White
42 Camellia Etiquette
by Mansfield Latimer
47 Camellia Alphabet
50 How the Camellia Came to Augusta Georgia
by Naomi Holt Barnard
55 Chinka-Shu The Ito List of Camellia Cultivars 1879
by Yosiaki Andoh
64 What of the Sasanqua
by David L. Feathers
66 Judging - Objective or Subjective
by J. Carroll Reiners
68 What Constitutes a Good Camellia Judge
by Clif W. Lattin
82 The Reticulata Story
by Harold E. Dryden
86 Chinese Accounts of the Yunnan Reticulatas
by E. G. Waterhouse
96 A Cytological Study of Black Camellias and its Taxonomic Implications
by William L. Ackerman
103 Interspecific Hybridization of Camellias, with Particular Reference to Fragrance
by Dr. Robert K. Cutter
107 Inheritance of Flower Size and Petal Substance in Camellia Japonicared.pdf
119 Studies on the Use of Benomyl (Benlate) for Controlling Certain Camellia Diseases, A Progress Report
by L. W. Baxter, Jr.
123 Treatment of Camellia Dieback with the Systemic Fungicide Griseofulvin
by Walter F. Homeyer, Jr.
126 New West Coast Introductions for Fall of 1973
by Bill Woodruff
127 What About New Varieties?
by Mark S. Cannon
129 Old and New-Good Maybe?
by W. F. Wilson, Jr.
131 New Camellias of Promise in the Southeast
by Joseph H. Pyron
133 The Look-Alike - Please fold, Spindle and Mutilate
by J. Carroll Reiners
136 Making the Camellia Show Scene
137 1972-1973 Artistic Arrangement Contest: Section I
by Mrs. Milton R. Bell
150 1972-1973 Artistic Arrangement Contest: Sections II and III
by Mrs. Milton R. Bell
167 Camellias Registered in 1973
Color Plates