1975 American Camellia Yearbook
Table of Contents
Inside Cover and Copyright
ii Clyde X. Copeland
ii Dedication to Clyde X. Copeland
by Walter F Wilson, Jr.
vii American Camellia Society, Officers and Directors
viii Board of Trustees of the American Camellia Society Endowment Fund
ix ACS Fellows and Bronze Plaque
x Table of Contents and List of Color Illustrations
1 In Appreciation
by Milton H. Brown
3 Amendments to the Charter and the By-Laws
6 ACS Awards - Illges Seedling Japonica Awards, Peer Sasanqua Awards, Sewell Mutant Awards, and Harris Hybrid Awards
7 Lichen Grown on Camellias
by Gerald Smith
8 Beware of Deep Planting
by Gerald Smith
9 Camellia Mining Scale
by G. W. Dekle and L. C. Kuitert
15 Effects of Benomyl on Camellia Dieback
by D. L. Gill
20 Camellias and Sulphur-Coated Urea
by W. L. Ackerman and H. T. Jayne
23 Bud Drop and Bullnosing in Camellias
by C. Blumenthal
26 A Camellia Oddity
by Armond and Helen Caputi
28 Camellia Diseases in Florida
by H. N. Miller and R. S. Millin
49 Camellia Culture Under Glass
by Chiun T. Ling, M.D., Sc.D.
62 Guide-Posts for Camellia Show Judges
by Harold E. Dryden
76 The Greenhouse Fever
by Anonymous
88 "Open Sesame"
by Gertrude Thurman Stump
91 Camellia Flower Blight
by Luther W. Baxter, Jr. and Susan G. Fagan
95 Camellia Species for the Garden
by Leslie Riggal
100 Camellias as Houseplants
by Pat Walton
107 Camellias a la Carte
by Lloyd J. Huerkamp
103 Camellias in Condominiums
by Ivan J. Mitchell
108 My Camellias with Unusual Leaves
by Thomas Perkins, III
114 Interspecific Hybridization of Camellias With Particular Reference to Fragrance
117 Gibberellic Acid-Flower Bud Vs. Vegetative Bud
by W. F. Wilson, Jr.
119 Growing Reticulatas in Virginia Beach
by Mrs. M. K. (Zelma) Crockett
122 Camellia Reticulata in Galicia
by Robert Gimson
130 The California Camellia Season-1975
by Willard F. Gorrtz
133 Bloom Blight at Show Time
by Robert Matthews
135 Guidelines in Choosing Camellias
by John N. Sewell
139 Bareroot-First Order of Business
by James H. McCoy
141 The Judges Have Spoken
by Milton H. Brown
149 Additional New Information on Yunnan Reticulatas from China
by Kinhachi Ikeda
157 Camellia Bonsai
by Jack T. Swan, M.D.
159 The Channel Islands and the International Camellia Society
by Milton H. Brown
172 Carving a Camellia in Relief in Lead Crystal
by Pamela Schloz
176 Key Clubbers are Real Show Helpers
177 American Cooks Overwhelm Australian Camellians
by Eric Craig
189 International Camellia Society Wins Coveted Gold Medal of Royal Horticultural Society
by Dr. J. A. (Jimmy) Smart
193 Portrait in Camellia
by Yolande Gwin
198 Oriental Hoax Blossoms Into Southern Belle
by Sandra Rivard
197 Judge Emeritus Designation Adopted
200 Camellias of China
by Clifford R. Parks
208 Container Culture
211 Some Views on the Distribution of a Caroellia in Toyama Prefectore and Gifu
by Kenzo Iriyama and Seiji Takebe
213 Neglected Beauties
by James H. McCoy
216 Camellias - The ABC's of Camellia Growing
by Rex Murfitt
209 Changes to "Rules and Regulations Governing Procedures of Judging of American Camellia Cooperative Shows"
220 Do You Fertilize the Camellia Plant, the Soil or Your Ego?
by J. Carroll Reiners
223 The 1974-1975 Artistic Arrangement Contest
by Mrs. Ethel B. Smith and Mrs Hal E. (Mynelle) Haywood
235 Camellias Registered in Last Year
243 Membership Roster for 1975
244 Amendments to the Rules and Regulations Covering Special Awards, Medals, Trophies and Honors