1978 American Camellia Yearbook

American Camellia Society Awards
Camellia Personalities
4 Recollections of John P. Illges
Dorothy (Mrs. John B. Shepard)
7 To You With Love
Marguerite (Mrs. T. J.) Smith
8 The Life Cycle of the Camellia
P. G. Valder
17 Pruning Camellias
Henry Clay
20 Rooting of Cuttings Directly in Growing Medium Containing Fertilizer
R. L. Self and C. T. Pounders, Jr.
23 Winters-Ugh! Two Bad Ones in a Row
23 Winter in Baltimore, Maryland
Dr. Chiun T. Ling
25 National Arboretum Camellias and the 1977-78 Winter Season
W. L. Ackerman
26 1977-78 Performance of Camellias in North Carolina Piedmont
Mrs. Joseph Spengler
27 Comparative Effects of Low Temperatures on Camellias in the Sumter, South Carolina Area
Maj. Gen Harold R. Bauer
32 1978-Was That a Winter!
Luther W. Baxter, Jr.
33 South Carolinas Winter
Paul Dahlen
34 Winter at Massee Lane
Helen M. Teeter
36 Winter 1977-78-Warner Robins, Georgia
Marvin Jernigan
37 Winter in Savannah
Ges Dubus
38 Hybrids Winter in Valdosta, Georgia
E. Hulyn Smith
40 Winter in Florida
Robert A. Hill
41 Winter in Shreveport
G. F. Abendroth
42 The New Ice Age-No Big Deal
Clyde X. Copelan
43 Winter 1977-78 in the English Midlands
H. John Tooby
47 The Components of Cold Hardiness in Camellia
Clifford R. Parks
56 Effect of the Cold on the Camellia Flowers
Mario Del Sera
61 Report of the ACS Research Advisory Committee
W. L. Ackerman and Ken Hallstone
66 Aseptic Grafting
W. L. Ackerman
70 Handling Camellia Seed by Aseptic Culture
W. L. Ackerman
75 The Status of Our Knowledge in 1978 of Twig Blight, Canker and Dieback
Ngo Huy Can, L. W. Baxter, Jr. and S. G. Faga
91 Dieback of Camellia-Contagious or Non-Contagious
W. Baxter, Jr., Ngo Huy Can and Susan G. Fagamn
96 Break-Throughs in Camellia Research of Ted Alfter
Charlotte Johnson
102 Tissue Culture for Camellias II
William Y. Bennett
104 The Inheritance of Floral Characters in Camellias
George P. Hanson
114 Interspecific Hybridization of Camellias with Particular Reference to Fragrance
Ken Hallstone
117 The Camellia sasanqua Dilemma-Are C. oleifera Hybrids the Answer?
W. L. Ackerman
Camellia Varieties
136 Creating a Camellia Paradise in Mexico
Esther P. De Salinas
140 Camellia Growing in Japan is Alive and Doing Well
Bill Donnan
149 China
Sara-Louise and Jackson Faustman
154 The Camellia-A Condensed History
(Mrs. A. B.) Cooper
161 Georg Joseph Kamel
Antonio Sevesi
167 Verschaffelts Nouvelle Iconographie Des Camellias
George Graves
178 Growing Camellias Outdoors in New York City
Martin D. Bernstein
185 The Big Tree
A. P. Landry
188 The Cultivation of Camellia Bonsai
Satoru Ogisu
197 The Jewell Whitehead Camellia Trail
E. Hulyn Smith
199 The Library of the American Camellia Society
Joseph H. Pyron
209 The American Camellia Yearbook Cumulative Index 1969-1977
Shows and Show Rules
224 The Judges Have Spoken
Milton H. Brown
231 Rules and Regulations Governing Procedures and Judging of American Camellia Society Shows
249 Choosing the Best Flower in Show
William B. Johnston
252 Thirty Years of Artistic Design Contests
Mrs. Milton R. Bell