1979 American Camellia Yearbook
i Inside Cover and Copyright
iv Douglas Deane Hall
v Dedication to Douglas Deane Hall
Milton H. Brown
vii American Camellia Society, Officers and Directors
viii Board of Trustees, American Camellia Society Endowment Fund, and Past Presidents
ix ACS Fellows, Bronze Plaque
x Table of Contents
1 ACS National Camellia Awards
2 ACS National Camellia Hall of Fame
3 John A. Tyler, Jr. Miniature Award

147 Sacramento: The City That Grew Up With Camellias
Helen D. Brown
157 The Camellia Story
Tohko Adachi
162 Flowering Bamboo
J. Frank Bucher
164 Effects of Drought in Summer and Cold in Winter on Camellias
Dr. James A. Smart
170 Early History of Camellia Japonica in Boston
Susan H. Foos
172 The Camellia Collection at Barnard's Inn Farm and How It Came to Be
Mrs. Julian W. Hill
177 In Defense of the White Camellia
Barbara Butler
180 A Visit to the Stevens-Taylor Gallery
Ann Blair Brown
185 Live Oak Gardens-It all started with a Camellia!
J. L. Bayless, Jr.
190 Amphidiploid Cultivar 'Fragrant Pink Improved' Appeared from 'Fragrant Pink' Synthesized by the Colchicine Treatment
Katsuhiko Kondo and William L. Ackerman
198 The Meristems of Camellias
Dr. Jean Creze
Camellia Personalities
6 In Appreciation to Doris and John W. Freeman
Aline (Mrs. C. M.) Gay
9 The Specimen Plant - A Camellia Use Neglected?
Irving B. Anderson
11 Espalier: A Nice Way to Flatten a Camellia
Helen D. Brown
15 Varied Uses of Camellias
D. J. Henderson
21 Flower Photography
Vonnie Cave
26 Barrel to Root Camellia Cuttings
V. W. H. Campbell, M.D.
28 Climate and Camellias
David Trehane
34 Gibbing - Not Whether but When
Harold E. Dryden
37 You Can Make Bonsai Easily
Toshiro Ueda
40 Giemsa C-banding and Karyotype of Camellia (C-banded karyotypes can tell more detail on inter- and intra-specific relationships in Camellia)
Katsuhiko Kondo and Clifford R. Parks
47 A Study of the Effects of Storage, Gibberellic Acid, and Embryo Culture on Germination in Camellia Japonica
Alan Watson Irvin
57 Interspecific Hybridization of Camellia with Particular Reference to Fragrance
Ken Hallstone
61 Drip Irrigation for Ornamentals
Neil R. Foster
70 The Root Environment of Camellias in Containers
Dr. F. A. Pokorny
75 Soil Preparation in the Landscape
Gerald Smith and Henry Clay
Camellia Varieties
83 Sasanquas for Homeowners
Henry Clay
91 Oranda-Ko, el Matusalen de las Camelias
Robert Gimson
97 The Judges Have Spoken
Milton H. Brown
101 Camellias Registered with the ACS Since The American Camellia Yearbook-1978
116 Camellias in the People's Republic of China, A Brief Account of Szechuan Camellias
Huang Teh-Ling
121 The 1978-79 Winter in the United Kingdom
Mrs. Muriel Hyde
Shows and Show Rules
128 What Should a Judge Know and Look for When He Judges a Camellia Show?
J. Carroll Reiners
132 Privileges of Judges and Judging
Marguerite (Mrs. T. J.) Smith
136 Artistic Arrangement Contest L 'Camellia Beautiful
Mrs. Milton R. Bell