1980 American Camellia Yearbook
i Inside Cover and Copyright
iv Roy C. Stringfellow
v Dedication to Roy C. Stringfellow
G. F. Abendroth
vii American Camellia Society, Officers and Directors
viii Board of Trustees
ix A. C. S. Fellows, Bronze Plaques and Certificates of Commendation
xi A. C. S. National Camellia Awards
xii American Camellia Society National Hall of Fame
xii In Appreciation of A. Emmett Barnes
Milton H. Brown
xv Table of Contents
Species and Varieties
1 The Origin
Dr. Bruce Bartholomew and Dr. Te-Tsun Yii
30 The Yellow Camellia Story-An Yunnan Report of Camellias
Dr. Bruce Bartholomew
37 The Judges Have Spoken
Milton H. Brown
41 Miniatures Updated
42 Grafting Camellias
Walter A. Wilson
46 Grafting Tips
E.C. Snooks
50 On-Site Grafting
Len Hobbs
53 Saddle Grafting
Ern Kettle
55 Grafting on Germinated Seeds
Tsuguo Ohta
61 Camellias, Planting and Care
Dr. Raymond L. Self and Dr. Ronald L. Shumack
65 Growing Camellias in Pots
Mrs. P. L. Hazell
80 The Rapid Composting Method
Dr. Robert D. Raabe
84 What Happens in Your Compost Bin
Dr. Frank A. Gilbert
90 Genetic Dwarfness in Camellia L
Dr. W. L. Ackerman
95 Camellia Petal Blight Research in Japan
Dr. Kenzo Iriyama
101 Camellia Cultivation in Vitro
Dr. J. Creze
107 My Experience with A New Rooting Technique
Harold R. Bauer, M.G., AUS, Ret.
114 Landscaping with Camellias
F. ("Rudy") Moore
123 Gordonia lasianthus Ellis Loblolly-bay
University of Georgia Botanical Garden, Drawing by Dianne Penny
128 Native Azaleas
Dr. Fred C. Galle
133 Sprayers for Yard and Garden
H. D. Hudson Mfgr. Company
142 Espalier Plantings Make Gardening Energy Saver
Sarah Cash
145 Collections in Competition
Art Gonos
148 1979-1980 Artistic Arrangement Contest
Mrs. John C. Walker, Jr.
New Camellias Registered
Membership Roster
Camellia Potpurri
177 Basic Camellia Culture
Mrs. Jack H. Brown
181 Air Layering Understock
David L. Wilson, Jr.
183 Snow in Florida! (And its Aftermath)
John Niles Sewell
185 Don't Grow Camellias If You Don't Like Surprises
James H. McCoy
187 Flowerland Sensation Rare Bloom at Weekend Camellia Show
Elinor Hayes