1981 American Camellia Yearbook
i Inside Cover and Copyright
iv George Stuart Watson
v Dedication to George Stuart Watson
Spencer C. Walden, Jr.
vii American Camellia Society, Officers and Directors
viii Board of Trustees, American Camellia Society Endowment Fund, Past Presidents
ix A.C.S. Fellows, Bronze Plaques and Certificates of Commendation
xi A.C.S. National Camellia Awards
xii American Camellia Society National Hall of Fame
xiii In Appreciation of G. G. Gerbing
John N. Sewell and Asa Barnes, M.D.
xvii Table of Contents
1 Concepts of Camellia Culture
J. Carroll Reiners
6 Repotting the Big Ones
E. C. (Gene) Snooks
12 Know the Enemy - Red Spider Mites
Perry C. Brumfield
21 The Concern Over Fluorides
Raymond Sheldrake, Jr.
24 Strategies to Get Blooms to the Head Table
Art Gonos
29 Gibberellic Acid and Camellias
Willard F. Goertz
36 What Everyone Should Already Know About Gibbing
Col. (Ret.) R. D. Hicks
Species and Varieties
42 Revision of Genus Camellia
Dr. Bruce Bartholomew
53 Corrigenda to Classification of Camellia Reticulata
Dr. Bruce Bartholomew
55 A Report About Several Species
Shuho Kirino and Naotoshi Hakoda
70 Camellia Species From Acta Phytotaxonomica
Yoshiaki Andoh
73 The Six Adopted Varieties
May Osinga
74 A Sporting Chance for More Mutants
Ivan J. Mitchell
80 Camellias in California-The New Ones
Bill Donnan
85 Winners in the Fresno Area
Jack P. Woo
86 Gulf and Atlantic Coast Winners
Milton H. Brown
88 The Judges Have Spoken
Milton H. Brown
94 New Camellias Registered Since the 1980 Yearbook
107 Camellia Flower Blight
Dr. Luther W. Baxter, Jr. and Dr. William M. Epps
113 Some Old and New Fragrant Flowered Camellia Selections
Dr. William L. Ackerman
115 Interspecific Hybridization of Camellias With Particular Reference to Fragrance
Ken Hallstone
117 New Cold Hardy Camellia Hybrid Selections
Dr. William L. Ackerman
121 A New Program to Measure Hardiness in Camellias
Mitchell M. Sewell and Dr. Clifford R. Parks
135 Propagating Woody Species in Tissue Culture
P. G. Valder
138 Camellia Stamps
Milton H. Brown
142 The Betty Sheffield Supreme
145 Camellia Greenhouses in the Boston Area
Esther G. Parke
149 The Backyard Backache Blues
Frank A. Lang, Jr., M. D.
151 Photographing Camellia Arrangements
Mrs. Paul Kincaid
155 Quick as a Flash
Marion Edwards
157 Contemporary Practice of Landscape Architecture and American Development
Dr. Hubert Bond Owens
164 The Oldest Camellias in the German Democratic Republic
Fritz Kummel
176 Camellias in Mexico
Mrs. Alys Honey and Sra. Esther Pliego de Salinas
181 Preliminary Report on Trials
Bruce Robertson
Artistic Arrangement
184 The 1980-1981 Artistic Arrangement Contest
Mrs. John C. Walker, Jr.