1983 American Camellia Yearbook
i Inside Cover and Copyright
v Henry Carroll Lunsford, Sr.
ix Dedication to Henry Carroll Lunsford, Sr.
Mrs. Charles O'Malle
ix American Camellia Society, Officers and Directors
x Board of Trustees, American Camellia Society Endowment Fund, Past Presidents
xi A.C.S. Fellows, Bronze Plaques
xii A.C.S. Certificate of Commendation-International Camellia Society
xiii A.C.S. National Camellia Awards
xiv American Camellia Society National Hall of Fame
xv In Appreciation-Al and Vera Parker
xvii Table of Contents
1 Propagation of Camellia by Hypocotyl Grafting
Ma. Luiza Vietez
5 Using Pesticides Safely
H. D. Hudson Company
7 Using Insecticides Effectively
H. D. Hudson
9 Aphids
Kenneth Peck
13 Why We Prune
Marvin Jernigan
16 Growing Camellias in Containers
Les Baskerville
19 The Interrelationship of Plant Nutrients and the Role of pH
E. C. Shook
28 Distinguishing Camellia L Species Using Dorsal Leaf Surface Impressions
W. L. Ackerman & Ao-luo Zhang
39 Patterns of Winter Injury to Camellia japonwa
Clifford R. Parks and James D. Doyle
45 Karyomorphological Studies in Some Species of Camellia
L. Katsuhika Kondo and Yoshiaki Andoh
51 Flower and Plant Usage
62 Economics of the Camellia
Julius Nuccio
65 Tannenbaum mit Kamellien
Wallace F. Freshwater, Sr.
67 Camellias Are a Hardy Lot
Ivan Mitchell
74 For Attractive Garden Fence - Take a Hint from the Japanese
76 The Camellia Collection at the Washington Park Arboretum
J. A. Witt
81 A Brief History of the Vance R. Burks Memorial Camellia Garden
Louis Squyres
85 Observation on the Value of the Camellia Garden
Louis Squyres
86 The Camellia and Matsuyama
Kazuo Ninomaya
98 Yunnan Flowers at Home and at Edinburgh
T.T. Yu
107 The Hammond Camellia Garden, 1982
Judith Petherman
110 Searching for Camellia japonica in China
Harold Frase
Artistic Arrangement
116 1982-1983 Artistic Arrangements Contest
Mrs. Paul A. Dahlen
Species and Varieties
127 The Yunnan Camellia Reticulata Cultivars
Bruce Bartholomew
131 Some Notes on the Tiannan Chahua Xiaozhi
T.J. Savige
134 Camellias
A Poem by Frances E. Dantzler
135 Camellia Nomenclature
T.J. Savige
143 Some Miniatures and Small Flowered Species and Their Hybrids
Neville Hayden
148 Harvey Short-The Man, The Bloom
E. C. Snooks
150 The Judges Have Spoken
Milton H. Brown