1984 American Camellia Yearbook


42 Seed-Breeding of Camellia Chrysantha

Xia La-fang

48 Where Do We Stand in Regard to Grafting of APEX of Camellia

Dr. Jean Creze

52 A Note of Grafting Camellias With Aloe Verrucosa

Dr. Luther W. Baxter, Jr., Susan G. Fagan & Peggy A. Mitchell

54 The Winter Hardiness of Interspecific Camellia Hybrids

Clifford R. Park

60 Update On Cold-Hardiness Studies with Camellias in the Northeast

Dr. William L. Ackerman

70 Camellia Tip-Dieback

Dr. Luther W. Baxter, Jr., Susan G. Fagan & Peggy A. Mitchell

72 A Note on Camellia Root Rot and Other Things

Dr. Luther W. Baxter, Jr., Susan G. Fagan & Peggy A. Mitchell

77 Going For The Silver

Ken Hallstone

Artistic Arrangement