1989 American Camellia Yearbook


1 Jewels Vision is Perpetuated

Dr. John Youmans

3 Camellias at the Missouri Botanical Garden

Robert E. Bowden and Brian Ward

5 Hodges Gardens

Cathy B. Hills


6 Callus and shoot Primoridium Induction and Plant Regeneration

Shinsaku Nadamitsu, Michiharu Segawa and Katsuhiko Kondo

12 A Karyomorphological Study in four species of Camellia, section Camellia

Zhijian Gu, Katsuhiko Kondo, Haiyan Na and Liflmg Xia

19 Report of the Chromosome Numbers of Some Species of Camellia in China

Gu Zhijian, Xia Lifang, Xie Lishan and Katsuhiko Kondo

23 Pollination Biology and Pollination Control Under Cultivated Conditions

Dr. Clifford R. Parks

Artistic Arrangement