1989 American Camellia Yearbook
i Inside Cover and Copyright
iv Kathryn and Carl Allen, Jr.
v Dedication to Kathryn and Carl Allen, Jr.
Dr. James M. Habel, Jr.
vi In Appreciation of Elizabeth and A. B. Cooper
Ann Blair Brown
viii In Appreciation of Donna's "Family"
Annabelle Lundy Fetterman
x In Appreciation of Bill Woodroof
Julius Nuccio
xii Purposes of the Society
xiii American Camellia Society Officers and Directors
xiv Board of Directors - American Camellia Society Endowment Fund
xv Past Presidents, ACS Fellows
xvi Bronze Plaques
xvii ACS Certificates of Commendation
xviii ACS National Awards
xx American Camellia Society National Hall of Fame
xxi Table of Contents
1 Jewels Vision is Perpetuated
Dr. John Youmans
3 Camellias at the Missouri Botanical Garden
Robert E. Bowden and Brian Ward
5 Hodges Gardens
Cathy B. Hills
6 Callus and shoot Primoridium Induction and Plant Regeneration
Shinsaku Nadamitsu, Michiharu Segawa and Katsuhiko Kondo
12 A Karyomorphological Study in four species of Camellia, section Camellia
Zhijian Gu, Katsuhiko Kondo, Haiyan Na and Liflmg Xia
19 Report of the Chromosome Numbers of Some Species of Camellia in China
Gu Zhijian, Xia Lifang, Xie Lishan and Katsuhiko Kondo
23 Pollination Biology and Pollination Control Under Cultivated Conditions
Dr. Clifford R. Parks
28 Giardino Della ViIla Anelli Ad Oggebbio Sul Lago
Maggiore, Dott Ing. Antonio Sevesi
29 Southdown-A Camellia Garden in Victoria
F. B. Kitchen, C. B. E. and Una Kitchen
31 Eryldene-An International Treasure
Eric Craig
32 The Botanical Garden of Nantes
Dr. Jean Creze
33 The Botanical Gardens of Angers
Dr. Jean Creze
34 Brief Notes on Some Representative Japanese Camellia Gardens
Kidno Shubo
38 A Chinese Classical Garden-Its in Symphony with Nature
Wang Zuxing
44 Allan Gardens-Thronto, Ontario, Canada
William j. Unser
46 Beautiful Bodnant Garden in Wales
Charles Puddle, M. B. E., V. M. H.
48 Gardens in Spain
Margaret Gimson
49 New Zealand-A Camellia Haven
Jim Rolfe
53 A Garden at Samares Manor
Violet Lort-Phillips
55 Gardens in Victoria, British Columbia
Celia Nelson
59 Camellia Gardens in Germany
Dr. Klaus Hackliinder
64 Spring City-Camellia Garden of Yunnan
Xia Lifang
66 Camellias at Ard-Daraich
Dr. Leslie Stankler
69 American Camellia Society Awards for Camellias
72 Rosedown Plantation and Gardens
William Mangham
77 The Huntington Gardens
Bill Donnan
79 Alfred B. Maclay State Gardens
Beth Weidner
81 Orlando, Floridas Leu Botanical Garden is Camellia World and a Whole Lot More
Gary Paul
83 Magnolia Plantation
J. Drayton Hastie
87 An Undiscovered Paradise, The Norfolk Botanical Garden
Jo Anne Gordon
88 A Garden of Destiny-The Elizabethian Gardens
Patti Hlltaff
92 Bayou Bend Gardens
Bob Ross
93 A Bouquet of Camellias, Shrubs to Know and Grow
Barney M. Alford
96 Cheekwood Botanical Gardens and Fine Arts Center
Herbert E. Bartle
97 Brookgreen Gardens - Where Art and Nature Meet
Gurdon L. Tarbox, Jr.
101 A Cultural Gem in Memphis
Diane M. Reed and Carol S. Griffin
Artistic Arrangement
103 The 1988-1989 Design Arrangement Contest
Mrs. Warren Wallace