2000 American Cameliia Yearbook
i ACS Membership Information
ii Inside Cover
iv Purposes of the Society
v ACS Officers, State Directors, Directors-at-Large
vi Board of Directors - ACS Development Fund
vii Past Presidents and Fellows
viii Bronze Plaque
ix ACS Certificate of Commendation, Joseph H. Pyron Award, and USA Officers and Directors of the International Camellia Society
x ACS National Camellia Awards
xii National Hall of Fame
xiii Table of Contents
xv Dedication
c1-c6 Color Plates

13 Growing Camellias in Northern Climates
by William L Ackerman
20 You Can Take Those Large Camellias With You When You Move
by Tom Johnson
9 Breeding Progress with Yellow Camellias
by Clifford R. Parks
17 Camellias as Landscape Plants in Various Climates
by William L. Ackerman
24 The Use of Camellias in Landscape Design
by Tom Johnson
29 Fail Safe Grafting
by Thomas Lee
42 The Potential Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in Fungal Root Rot of Camellia
by M. J. Sainz, O. Aguin, M. J. Salinero, J. P. Mansilla, and A. Vilarino
74 The Holistic Approach to Camellia Culture
by Melvin Belcher
47 A New Leaf Spot Disease caused by the Fungus Guignardia
by Gordin E. Holcomb
79 Summer Mist Cleft Grafting
by Cheng Lee and Nathan Lee
91 Containers for Camellias
by Ray Bond
84 Grafting Previously Air-layered Camellias
by Cheng Lee and Nathan Lee
11 Camellia Azalea A Unique Species
by Gao Jiyin
50 A Visit to the Home of the Reticulata Camellias
by C. R. Parks and Barbara Thakor
62 Camellia Expedition China 2000 - The Human Interest Aspects
by Barbara H. Thakor and Clifford R. Parks
72 Descanso Gardens Joins Camellia Research Trip to China
by Tim Tbibauldt
31 Identification of Camellia Species using RAPD DNA Markers
by S. O. Park, A. S. Bhagsari, J. P. Jackson, and J. Carter
39 Effect of Different Sources of Sugars In Vitro C. japonica
by C. Carter and S. Dhir