Camellia Journal March 2010-May 2010
Volume 65, Number 4

4 The Best of the Best in White
Similarities and Differences in Camellia Preferences. By Bradford King.
8 Camellias in the Natural Landscape
Camellias are trees and Dr. Clifford R. Parks tells how large plantings of camellias can be used to effectively make a transition between intensely cultivated areas and natural woodland.
10 All in the Family
Betty Sheffield is the most famous family of ‘sports.’ By Bradford King.
2 Spotlight: Camellia Reticulata ‘Dr. Clifford Parks’
Camellia reticulata ‘Dr. Clifford Parks’ -- a cross between reticulata ‘Crimson robe’ and japonica ‘Kramer’s Supreme’.
6 A Camellia Quiz
Do you know your whites?
15 Camellia Know-How
Brad King tells how to use approach Grafting to produce two beautiful plants or introduce virus into a non-variegated plant.
Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
17 Pensacola Camellia Club
Goes long distance to consult on old garden. By Norman Vickers.
18 The Prez Sez
Roger Vinson shares ACS Vision for 2020.
19 ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard
Massee lane Gardens exploding with color; ACS exploding with membership.
20 ACS Annual Meeting
January 2010 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
23 Happenings in Valdosta
Florence Crowder and Vince Dooley visit Valdosta Camellia and Garden Club. By Mark Crawford.
24 Donations Memorials and Honorariums
25 The Joseph H. Pyron Award
C. Warren Thompson honored.
26 First Illges Medal
Presented in 1949, it is on displayed at ACS headquarters.
27 Wish List
Books that will enhance the ACS collection.
27 Membership
Patrick Andrews discusses importance of membership.
28 Whites Quiz Answers, Judges Schools, and New ACS Cultivars
30 New Members, New Dues Structure
22, 32 & Advertisers & Back Cover
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