Camellia Journal September 2010-November 2010
Volume 65, Number 3
September 2010 - November 2010 Table of Contents
The form of ‘Star Above Star,’ a lovely white semidouble that shades to lavender pink on the petal edges, is actually one star superimposed on another. Cover Photo by Bradford King.

‘Tama-no-ura’: A Camellia Jewel
This small to medium single japonica is a true camellia jewel with its bright red petals and wide band of white. It was started in Japan in 1947. By Bradford King.
The Beautiful Sawadas
‘Sawada’s Dream’ has historical significance and perfect blooms. ‘Sawada’s Mahogany’ has amazing color and flower form. Douglas Ruhren.
Something Old ... Something New ... Something Blue....
Bradford King tells about camellias that can give your landscape pizazz.

Spotlight: Hiemalis ‘Kanjiro’
Hiemalis ‘Kanjiro’ One of the most reliable, beautiful, vigorous, tall-growing sun camellias. By Bradford King.
All Things Camellia: Old gnarled roots and trunks give camellias a special effect
The Higo Camellia Society of Kurume, Japan, is on a mission to propagate and preserve the Higo camellias. By Bradford King.
All Things Camellia: Book documents cultivars started in Aiken, S.C.
Aiken County, S.C. has registered 56 camellia cultivars over the last 60 years, and four Aiken County Camille Society members have documented that work in a book. By W. Lee Poe, Jr.
Camellia Know How: Camellia Show Time. There is agony in flower shows, but it is also fun to share blossoms and ideas
Brad King gives the scoop on how to prepare for flower shows. He also gives tips and ideas on using gibberellic acid.

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
Lewis M. Fetterman (1921-2010) ‘A fearless optimist who believed in people and in the future’
A giant in the camellia world dies.
Nuccio’s Nurseries celebrate Diamond Jubilee
Nuccio’s Nurseries and the family celebrate 75 years in business. By Bradford King.
New Wheels at Massee Lane Gardens
The gift of a truck and a van by Atlanta Gas Light has helped to relieve the workload at ACS headquarters.
The Prez Sez 2010: It’s been a very good year!
Roger Vinson talks about 2010 and says it’s been a good year for ACS.
Donations, Memorials and Honorariums.
Change Is Always Good ....
Celeste Richard talks about 2010 and says it’s been a good year for ACS.
New Members and New ACS Cultivars
The ACS Fall Annual Board Convention
ACS Membership Committee Chairman Patrick Andrews says the friendships make the difference.
Above and Beyond Awards and Annual Camellia Awards
Please support the nurseries and businesses that advertise in the ACS Camellia Journal.
Visit Massee Lane Gardens: Home of the American Camellia Society