Camellia Journal December 2011 - February 2012
Volume 66, Number 4
December 2011 - February 2012 Table of Contents
The very large pink reticulata flower of ‘John Hunt’ comes in several beautiful forms with veined and occasionally notched petals. The photo shows it as loose peony. Cover Photo by Bradford King.

Wonderful Anemone Camellias
The anemone camellia form is unusual and beautiful. Many have large flowers and do well in the garden. By Bradford King
A Chinese Breakthrough in Camellia Breeding
The Palm Landscape Architecture Co. in China has developed summer blooming camellias. Twenty are featured in this edition, and some bloom June through December. By Gao Jiyin, Liu Xinkai, Huang Wanjian, Zhong Naisheng, Chen Guanghui and Feng Guimei

Spotlight: Japonica ‘Black Magic’
A flower with a magical name and look. By Bradford King
All Things Camellia: Who Was Lee Roy Smith?
A barber by trade and a grower of large camellias. Randolph Maphis tells how his legacy lives on.
All Things Camellia: Camellias and Quilts Entwined in Elva Harwood’s Life
Elva Harwood tells her own story of planting three camellias as a young bride, and now has acres, and her quilts reflect her camellias.
All Things Camellia: Camellia Manor
A "Once Upon a Time” story of camellias and camellia legends. By Will G. Mangham
Camellia Know-How: Air-Layering
The process gives you a good sized camellia ready to plant in six months to a year. Bradford King gives step-by-step directions

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
Flint Energies Operation RoundUp brings upgrades to Massee Lane greenhouses
By Lori Huff
Atlantic Coast Camellia Society meeting a great road trip
Fort Valley members travel to Litchfield, S.C., and enjoy it all. By Cheryl Thompson
Baton Rouge Camellia Society
Camilla Friends Helping Camellia Friends. By Joe Holmes
Lib Scott a Winner in the Camellia World
She died last January, having given her best to the Camellia World and her finest plants to her town. By Lee Poe
The Search for Sun Tolerant Camellias
Massee Lane Gardens Council Chairman Tommy Alden is asking for your help in the search for camellias that tolerate the sun.
With a Little Help from Our Friends
ACS President Matt Hunter tells of the progress at ACS headquarters and looks forward to the convention in Virginia.
ACS Winter Annual Conference
The dates are March 21-25, 2012 in Norfolk, VA. Registration and schedule details.
Winter Convention in Norfolk, VA
ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard tells of the many ways to participate in the convention.
Donations, Memorials, Honorariums, and New Members
Please support the nurseries and businesses that advertise in the ACS Camellia Journal.
Visit Magnolia Plantation Garden