Camellia Journal June 2011 - August 2011
Volume 66, Number 2
June 2011 - August 2011 Table of Contents
‘Buttons’n Bows,’ originated at Nuccio’s Nursery in Altadena, California, in 1981, has a delightful, small, light pink blossom. Cover Photo by Bradford King.

Snow camellias make a diverse, interesting garden
Snow camellias, or Rusticana camellias, come from higher elevations in Japan where they survive the cold insulated by a layer of snow. Bradford King gives the scoop on these special flowers.
Pretty in Pink
Camellias come in all shades of pink, and the color denotes romantic love and conveys playfulness (hot pink) and tenderness (pastel pinks). They are beautiful additions to the garden By Bradford King.

Spotlight: Camellia japonica ‘Tiffany’
Camellia japonica ‘Tiffany’ blossoms can reach six inches and are a beautiful orchid pink. Bradford King.
All Things Camellia: Best Friends
Hummingbirds enjoy camellias -- their color, their shade, and their limbs as a resting place. By Bradford King.
All Things Camellia: A Room Full of Camellias and Winners
The Middle Georgia Camellia Show, held in conjunction with The ACS National Show at the Winter Conference, was “overwhelming” in terms of numbers of entries and “excellent” in quality. By Roger Ann Davis.
All Things Camellia: Two Tablet of Honor Presentations
Tablets of Honor were presented to Hulyn and Janet Smith of Valdosta and to the late David and Lauretta Feathers of Lafayette, California, at the ACS Winter Conference banquet. A very unique award was made to ACS Webmaster Richard Buggeln of Wilmington, North Carolina. By Roger Ann Davis.
All Things Camellia: Touring a camellia nursery, seedling farm, and the original Massee home
The ACS Winter Conference Tour included County Line Nursery, the original Massee family home and farm, and The Dick Dodd Seedling Farm. By Roger Ann Davis.
Soil Test: Do your wallet and your camellias a favor
What do you need to feed your camellias? Only a soil test can answer that question. Doug Ruhren tells you all about soil tests and what they do for you and your wallet.

Camellia Chronicles
Annabelle: A Lady Like No Other
Annabelle Lundy Fetterman, a legend in the camellia world, turned 90 in April. By Matt Hunter.
Were Seeking Writers
Please tell us your story.
Oldy Goldy
A new feature in which we help you identify your camellias.
A New Friend and Leader Coming on Strong
ACS President Matt Hunter writes about BJ Harrington, who helped found and organize Twin Rivers Camellia Club and get it moving.
How Can YOU Help?
The need is great, and the details are in ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard’s column.
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