Camellia Journal September 2011 - November 2011
Volume 66, Number 3
September 2011 - November 2011 Table of Contents
‘Coral Delight Variegated’, a show-winning coral pink flower with white blotches. Cover Photo by Bradford King.

The Tints and Hues of Lavender Camellias
With break through colors and new shades and tones, the coral and lavender camellias add to the beauty of the garden and make good exhibition entries. By Bradford King
The Magnificent Formal Doubles
The more you see camellias and ponder their origin the more mysteries one discovers. By Bradford King.

Spotlight: Camellia hybrid ‘Nicky Crisp’
A beautiful, show-quality flower from New Zealand. Bradford King
All Things Camellia: Preserving Our Camellia Heritage
Gene Phillips tells about finding ‘Miss Lyla’.
Camellia Know-How: Gibberellic Acid
Part of the FUN of Growing Camellias. “Gib” increases flower size and shape, but most of all, it allows flowers to open early. By Mark Crawford
Camellia Know-How: Container Gardening
You don’t have to have a large garden to grow camellias, you can grow them in pots. Bradford King provides the details.

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
Camellia Society & Camellia Show reborn in the Chattahoochee Valley
The new camellia society had its first show with more than 1,000 attendees. By Sam Wellborn
‘Marchioness of Salisbury’
The history of a camellia that found its way through England to America. By Bradford King.
A True Camellia Giant on the Trail of a New Cultivar
Dr. Frank Wilson may be in his 80’s, but age doesn’t stop him from the pursuit of new camellia introductions. By Mickey Moore
Keeping the Hammer Down
ACS President Matt Hunter tells about the gradual improvements at ACS and the work of Sam Wellborn, who is steaming along in the Chattahoochee Valley area.
ACS Membership Contest
The winners for 2010-2011 and the new contest for 2011-2012.
Norfolk Winter Convention 2012
The Convention in Norfolk March 21-25, 2012 will be fun filled and great camellia learning experiences are planned.
Donations, Memorials, and Honorariums
New Members
Napa Winter Convention 2013
January 30 - February 3, 2013 are the dates and the Napa Valley Camellia Society is making plans now.
Winter Convention in Norfolk, VA
ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard gives some details.
Please support the nurseries and businesses that advertise in the ACS Camellia Journal.
Visit Massee Lane Gardens
An International Camellia Society Garden of Excellence