Camellia Journal June 2012 - August 2012
VOLUME 67, NO. 2
3 .. Table of Contents
'Hulyn's Sweet Emily', a Camellia reticulata, is a very large, dark pink peony, registered by the late Hulyn Smith of Valdosta, Georgia, in July 2010, and is named for his granddaughter. Cover Photograph by Randolph Maphis.

10 .. Daylilies: The Perfect Perennial...Bradford King
The individual bloom lasts only one day, but day lilies are dependable bloomers from Massachusetts to California, offering a wonderland of color each summer.

2 .. Spotlight: Camellia reticulata ‘Hulyn Smith’...Bradford King
Honoring a man and a flower.
4 .. All Things Camellia: Discovering Daisy Eagleson...Roger Vinson
6 .. All Things Camellia: Virginia Is For Camellia Lovers...Bradford King
Bradford King tells about the good times at the Winter Convention in Norfolk, Virginia.
14 .. All Things Camellia: Stamp Commemorated a Great Camellia in 1981...Roger Ann Davis
A Georgia camellia made its way to post offices all over the United States and the First Issue Day was celebrated in Fort Valley, Georgia.
15 .. All Things Camellia: Camellia Quiz...Bradford King
A quiz full of spoofs and fun. Answers Pages 24-25.
16 .. Camellia Know-How: Sun Camellia Culture...Bradford King
Sun camellias are hardy, long lived and require minimum care.

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
22 .. The Heroic Camellia Gardeners...Hal Irish
The word "quit" is not in their vocabulary in Edgefield, South Carolina.
23 .. Give Those Blooms Away to Promote Public Interest in Camellias...John & Stephanie Grimm
It's time to show the world the value, the uses, and the beauty of camellias.
24 .. Answers to the Camellia Quiz
Answers to camellia quiz on page 15.
26 .. Everything And Much More...ACS President Matt Hunter
The Norfolk, Virginia, Convention has set a new threshold that will be difficult to cross, ACS President Matt Hunter says.
27 .. The Highest Honor at ACS - The Tablet of Honor...ACS Executive Director Celeste M. Richard
ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard tells of the contributions of two special couples, who were honored at the Winter Convention.
28 .. Donations Memorials Honariums
29 .. New and Rejoining Members
30 .. Cultivar Registrations
31 .. Advertisers
Please support the nurseries and businesses that advertise in the ACS Camellia Journal.
32 .. Visit Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
Charleston's Most Visited Plantation