Camellia Journal September 2012 - November 2012
VOLUME 67, NO. 3
3 .. Table of Contents
'Conceptual drawing of the The Silver Conservatory at Massee Lane Gardens' by ACS Operations Manager Matthew Israel. Details on Page 11.

4 .. Famous People & Camellias...Bradford King
Many camellias named for famous persons. Bradford King shows off camellias named for Presidents, American Generals, Admirals, Royalty and Popes and Cardinals.
8 .. Camellia Mysteries...Bradford King
Mutations, variegation, genetics, infertile seedlings and a singular spectacular bloom create mysteries to be enjoyed.
16 .. Very Large Camellias: The grandest flowers of all...Bradford King
Wonderful rich colors and varied forms make very large camellia blooms spectacular.

2 .. Spotlight: Camellia japonica ‘Carter's Sunburst’...Bradford King
A national award winning formal double camellia.
7 .. All Things Camellia: David Feathers innovator of new camellias...Bradford King
David Feathers, who introduced over 30 camellias, touted his camellia hobby as a "way to health and happiness".
11 .. All Things Camellia: The Silver Conservatory at Massee Lane Gardens...Robert Harden
A new landmark building, a conservatory, is made possible by the dream and gift of Leon Frederick Silver.
14 .. Camellia Know-How: Petal Blight Control With Perlka...Art Gonos
Art explains the use of Perlka as a remedy for petal blight.
15 .. All Things Camellia: Camellias Get Us to Spring!...Ed Grissamore
Camellias "conduct a symphony of colorful blossoms" in winter, says Macon Telegraph columnist Ed Grissamore.
15 .. All Things Camellia: Lower Cost for Registering New Camellia Varieties
Cost per registration of new cultivars now just $10. By Mark Crawford
21 .. All Things Camellia: Not Just a Drink of Tea!...Jack DeWar
Some of the economic success of the Japanese nation could be attributed to the discipline, aesthetics, and honor associated with and probably instilled by the tea ceremony.

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
24 .. A great camellia season up and coming!...ACS President Matt Hunter
This season will bring changes in the physical facilities at Massee Lane Gardens, and more support for local clubs urged.
25 .. Wonderful opportunities abound this season...ACS Executive Director Celeste M. Richard
ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard talks about camellia meetings occurring all around the United States, with emphasis on the Winter Convention at Napa, California.
26 .. Donations, Memorials, Honorariums and Cultivars
27 .. New Members
28 .. Membership Contest Information
29 .. The Registration Information for the Winter Convention in Napa, California Jan. 30 - Feb. 2.