Camellia Journal December 2013 - February 2014
VOLUME 68, NO. 4
3 .. Table of Contents
The Cover: ‘Freedom Bell’ is the most famous bell shaped camellia in America. The flower is a small to medium bright red semidouble with a cluster of bell shaped petals. Cover photo by Bradford King.

4 .. Remembering Bill Ackerman...Ann F. Walton
The Camellia World will always be grateful for the dedication and achievement of William L. Ackerman. Ann F. Walton knew him and shares her memories with readers of the Journal.
6 .. Tintinnabulation: Camellias, too ring bells...Bradford King
The Camellia “bells” have pleasing and varied “shapes” just as musical bells do. The most famous is the ‘Freedom Bell’.
8 .. Chihuly's Work an Explosion of Light, Color...Bradford King
Glass, light color and camellias. They are all there in the work of artist Dale Chihuly in an exhibit at Seattle, Washington.
16 .. Careful Planning Can Extend Your Camellia Blooming Season...Bradford King
You can have camellia flowers from summer to spring and Bradford King tells you how to do it.

2 .. Spotlight: Camellia japonica 'Show Time'...Bradford King
This blossom is a clear light pink blossom that is a top show winner.
11 .. The Camellia Trail Gardens: The Hody Wilson Camellia Garden...Regina Bracey
This garden in Louisiana is a national treasure, with many varieties not found in other large public gardens in the South.
12 .. Remembering the Past: Ralph Peer...Bradford King
Ralph Peer searched for the nation’s musical talent and camellias. He and his wife saved the famous ‘California’ camellia from certain destruction.
14 .. All Things Camellia: Fall Atlantic Coast Camellia Society Convention...Camille Bielby
A lively auction and an expert presentation on genealogy and hybridization were highlights of the meeting.
15 .. All Things Camellia: Gulf Coast Camellia Society Convention 2013...Matthew Israel
Good conversation and laughter, a wealth of information and trade secrets were shared at this meeting.

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
23 .. All Things Camellia: Melbourne Revisited...John Hunt
John Hunt, who developed the prize winning ‘Phyllis Hunt’ camellia, writes about his work with camellias in Australia.
25 .. ACS President Ready For the New Season...ACS President, Don Bergamini
ACS President Don Bergamini looks forward to the camellia season and the shows.
26 .. Happenings at ACS Headquarters...ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard
The next few months are the very busiest at ACS headquarters and ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard shares information about upcoming activities.
27-29 .. New Cultivars
29 .. New and Rejoining Members
30 .. Donations, Memorials, and Honorariums
31 .. Advertisers
Please support the nurseries and businesses that advertise in the ACS Camellia Journal.
32 .. Join and Donate