Camellia Journal June 2013 - August 2013
VOLUME 68, NO. 2
3 .. Table of Contents
‘Betty Foy Sanders’, named for the wife of Georgia Governor Carl Sanders, is a white camellia japonica with varying amounts of flecked, splotched, and spotted rose red marks or streaks. Photo by Bradford King.

4 .. Joseph's Coat of Many Colors...Bradford King
There are some camellias with stripes, dashes and splashes of color that would rival Joseph's coat as described in the Bible.
10 .. Small Camellias: Delightful and Loveable...Bradford King
These tiny flowers may measure small, but they show off big in the garden and at flower shows.

2 .. Spotlight: Camellia japonica 'Elegans Champagne'...Bradford King
The Dom Perignon of camellias.
8 .. The Camellia Trail Gardens: The Norfolk Botanical Garden...Matthew Gobla
The garden began as a Work Progress Administration project has grown to a 175-acre garden with thousands of plants. The Camellia Trail Gardens is a new feature in the Journal.
19 .. Remembering the Past: Howard Asper...Bradford King
Howard Asper oversaw two major gardens, Descanso Garden and The Huntington Botanical Gardens in California, and was a prolific camellia breeder.

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
22 .. Sun Trial Garden at Massee Lane...Camille Bielby
The garden features 29 varieties of camellias now growing in the hot Georgia sun, an experiment intended to prove that certain varieties can grow in the absence of shade.
23 .. A Little Lesson From the Garden...ACS President Matt Hunter
ACS President Matt Hunter explains that it takes perseverance and determination to keep the American Camellia Society moving forward.
24 .. A Look Back Over the Last Season...ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard
ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard tells of two major projects at the ACS Headquarters.
25 .. New Cultivar Registrations
27 .. See You in Pensacola Beach
The ACS Annual Meeting & Convention will be held December 11-15, 2013 in Pensacola Beach, Florida. A wonderful schedule of events, get togethers and good food is planned.
28 .. New and Rejoining Members
29 .. Donations, Memorials, and Honorariums
30 .. ACS Membership Contest
Thanks to the hard work of Camellia Society members throughout the Camellia World, ACS now has more members, with 246 added to the rolls during this contest.
31 .. Support ACS Advertisers
Please support the nurseries and businesses that advertise in the ACS Camellia Journal.