Camellia Journal March 2013 - May 2013
VOLUME 68, NO. 1
3 .. Table of Contents
‘Showboat’ has a beautiful large rose form double white flower with in curved pink petal edges. It grows vigorously upright and is somewhat open. It has a long blooming period from early to late season. It was introduced in September 2102 by Nuccio’s Nursery, Altadena, California. While it is not listed in their catalog, one and two gallon plants are available to purchase. Photo by Joe Berendt.

7 .. 'Supreme' and 'Special' Are Confusing as Camellia Names...Bradford King
Camellia names can be confusing, especially when they are 'Supreme' or 'Special'. Common words or proper names lead to clarity and are more easily remembered.
14 .. Beautiful Peony Camellias...Bradford King
The full peony form takes longer to develop but it is well worth the wait.

2 .. Spotlight: Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Cameo'...Bradford King
A flower like a beautiful engraved gem.
4 .. Remembering the Past: The Hundred Dollar Baby: 'Mrs. D.W. Davis'...Bradford King
Bradford Kind brings a new feature to the Journal as he tells the stories of older nurseries and their special blooms like 'Mrs. D.W. Davis'.
12 .. All Things Camellia: Convention at Napa, California a Fun-Filled Three Days...Jim Fitzpatrick
The meetings and tours were outstanding, and there are two new Tablet of Honor couples.
20 .. All Things Camellia: Forever Grateful - It's All About the Friendships...J. D. Thomerson
A new look at the legacy of Hulyn Smith.

Camellia Chronicles
23 .. A New Year's Eve Camellia Wedding
To make it work, you need friends with lots of camellias, and Matthew Corey and Jessica O-toole had the winning combination and a beautiful wedding was the result.
24 .. Just Imagine Your Camellia Planting in 50 Years...W. Lee Poe, Jr.
W. Lee Poe, Jr. and Jim Dickson take a trip back in time to Jim's home place in Hepzibah, Georgia.
26 .. Napa Convention Superb and Well Attended...ACS President Matt Hunter
ACS President Matt Hunter tells of his special experiences at the Napa meeting and discusses the new leadership coming to the ACS.
27 .. Confessions of a Reformed Camellia Troublemaker...Tommy Martin
Troublemaker Tommy Martin is ready to wear the pink apron and ready to explain why he loves camellias. ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard turns her column over to him.
28 .. Donations, Memorials, and Honorariums
29 .. New Members and Cultivars
30 .. ACS Annual Convention
December 11-15, 2013 in Pensacola Beach, Florida, home to America’s oldest Camellia Club, founded in 1937.
31 .. Advertisers
Please support the nurseries and businesses that advertise in the ACS Camellia Journal.
32 .. Visit Massee Lane Gardens
Visit Massee Lane Gardens, an International Camellia Society 'Garden of Excellence' and a feature on the American Camellia Trail.