Camellia Journal September 2013 - November 2013
VOLUME 68, NO. 3
3 .. Table of Contents
'Snowman’, an unblemished pure white camellia, is a treasure to behold as illustrated by the beautiful cover photo taken by Gene Phillips.

6 .. Camellia Art: Creativity and Inspiration...Bradford King
Camellias, artwork themselves, also come alive in artistic endeavors from Ikebana flower arranging to wood carvings to quilting and home designs.
14 .. Pensacola: Some Bits of History and Things To See...Roger Vinson
The ACS Annual Convention in Pensacola, Florida is the place to be Dec. 11-14. Roger Vinson enthralls us with the history of this area and urges us to view ship wreck relics, statues, memorials and the Naval Aviation Museum.
16 .. Let It Snow...Bradford King
Some camellias are as beautiful and as white as snow. Bradford King reviews a variety of these blossoms, some with the name snow.

2 .. Spotlight: Camellia japonica 'Cloisonné'...Bradford King
Delicate white outlines, much like those in the ancient Cloisonné technique, demarcate the lovely shade of pink in this bloom.
4 .. The Camellia Trail Gardens: Longwood Gardens...Matt Taylor
Pierre S. du Pont gave the public this horticultural wonder, which contains a camellia collection among its 1,077 acres.
12 .. Remembering the Past: Toichi Domoto...Bradford King
Toichi Domoto suffered greatly when he was interned with other Japanese during World War II, but he did not lose his passion for camellias and brought us some special beauties.

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
22 .. All Things Camellia: Sam M. Wellborn Camellia Garden Dedicated at the Columbus Botanical Garden
The new garden promises to be a showcase of color and beauty with more than 200 varieties of camellias.
23 .. See You in Pensacola Beach
All the details you need to get ready for the ACS Annual Meeting & Convention December 11-15 in Pensacola Beach, Florida. A wonderful schedule of events, get togethers and good food is planned.
24 .. ACS President Encourages Involvement...ACS President Don Bergamini
New ACS President Don Bergamini encourages American Camellia Society members to involve themselves in the Society's work at all levels.
25 .. Changing of the Guard...ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard
ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard writes about the accomplishments of ACS under President Matt Hunter's leadership and welcomes new President Don Bergamini.
26-27 .. New Cultivars
28 .. New and Rejoining Members
29 .. Donations, Memorials, and Honorariums
30 .. ACS Membership Contest
The 2013-2014 Contest is underway and great prizes wait to be awarded. But the best prize will be the new friends we bring into ACS. Contest details, Page 23.
31 .. Advertisers
Please support the nurseries and businesses that advertise in the ACS Journal.
32 .. ACS 2014 Calendar