Camellia Journal December 2014 - February 2015
VOLUME 69, NO. 4
3 .. Table of Contents
The Cover: 'Betty Sheffield Supreme' has a marvelous white flower with a red-toned border. It is one of the best sports of 'Betty Sheffield'. Mrs. G. W. Alday of Thomasville, Georgia caught this sport and registered it in 1960.

6 .. Challenges & Solutions...Bradford King
Bradford King gives some answers to challenges faced by camellia growers, such as camellias that won’t bloom, overgrown camellia trees, gaps in the garden, hilly slopes, and tight spots.
10 .. Camellia Bridges...Bradford King
Bridges span obstacles and camellia bridges are plants used to overcome obstacles in hybridizing.
16 .. Antique Camellias Pre-1900 Japonicas: Our Camellia Heritage...Bradford King
Protecting pre-1900 camellia japonica cultivars is important, and public gardens are expected to lead the way.
2 .. Spotlight: C. reticulata ‘Massee Lane’...Bradford King
Named for ACS headquarters, this is a beautiful large pink flower with central golden stamens.
4 .. The Camellia Trail Gardens: Quitman, Georgia’s Camellia City & Home of the Betty Sheffield Memorial Garden...Lauren A. Basford
She planted the parks of Quitman, Georgia with roses, azaleas and camellias. Now she has her own Betty Sheffield Memorial Garden.
12 .. Remembering the Past: Walter Homeyer, M.D....Bradford King
Dr. Homeyer was a well known Macon, Georgia physician and world class camellia hybridizer who introduced 50 cultivars.
14 .. All Things Camellia: Pruning Camellias...Anna Sheets
Anna Sheets defines pruning and tells how to do it.
Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
22 .. International Congress a Great Learning Experience...Florence Crowder
The ICS was an adventure and learning experience. Those attending were astounded at the quantity and quality of the camellias in the Spain and Portugal areas.
24 .. ACCS boasts 35 new members, 90 people attend convention
Learning sessions were a hit and Warren and Cheryl Thompson of Fort Valley, Georgia received an Award of Merit at the Atlantic Coast Camellia Society conference.
25 .. Plant Auctions, Learning Sessions Make GCCS Convention a Success
The learning sessions on grafting and air propagation were high points at the Gulf Coast Camellia Society convention.
26 .. Try the New ACS Website, You Will Like It!...ACS President Don Bergamini
ACS President Don Bergamini highlights features of the upgraded website.
27 .. Volunteers Needed!...ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard
ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard encourages Camellians to help locate foundations that will support ACS’ work.
28 .. Donations, Honorariums, and Memorials; New and Rejoining Members and New Cultivars.
29 .. 2015 American Camellia Society National Convention Schedule.
30 .. Creative Ways to Support the Platinum Challenge Capital Campaign
Planned gifts help ensure that the American Camellia Society can promote the love of camellias and gardening for generations to come.
31 .. Advertisers
Please support the businesses and nurseries that advertise in the Journal.