Camellia Journal June 2014 - August 2014
VOLUME 69, N0. 2
3 .. Table of Contents
‘Frank Houser’ was bred by Dr. Walter Homeyer and credit for the variegated form is given to Marvin Jernigan in 1990. The last few years ‘Frank Houser Variegated’ has been number one at camellia shows. This cover photo of ‘Frank Houser Variegated’ by Randolph Maphis is proof positive of its number one ranking.

6 .. Feeling Blue, Missing You, Wondering Where the Blue Camellias Are...Bradford King
Hybridizers have tried to develop blue camellias, and Bradford King will tell you how close they have come.
12 .. Camellia Misses: Beauty, and More Beauty...Bradford King
Bradford King regales you with stories about ‘Miss Universe’, ‘Miss Tulare’, ‘Miss Savannah’ and others, and they are beauties.
16 .. Edgy Camellias...Bradford King
They are fringed, twisted, curled, crinkled, wavy, ruffled, pointed, incurved and notched, but these camellias are definitely not trashy.
2 .. Spotlight: Camellia japonica ‘Sweet Jane’...Bradford King
This is one of the very best miniature cluster blooming camellias.
4 .. The Camellia Trail Gardens: Elizabeth Gamble’s Garden...Gwin Whittier
The garden was donated to the City of Palo Alto by Elizabeth Gamble and there you can see true heritage camellias from 1695, 1875 and 1859. By Gwin Whittier.
10 .. Remembering the Past: Edward Avery “Mr. Ned” McIlhenny...Bradford King
Edward McIlhenny imported thousands of camellias for Avery Island from 1929 and 1938 creating his own camellia haven. He was known as a scientist, naturalist and showman.
22 .. All Things Camellia - International Camellia Society Congress...Florence Crowder
Some attendees toured several gardens in northern Portugal and the coastal areas of Spain prior to the opening of the International Congress.
Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
24 .. Dr. Bill Ackerman: A Friend to the Camellia...Adrian Higgins
Bill Ackerman died July 6, 2013, but he left the world with a raft of new camellias bred to endure temperatures down to 15 degrees below zero. He made the camellia safe.
26 .. Camellia Season Is Over, But There Is Work To Be Done...ACS President Don Bergamini
A major part of that work is being always ready to help people you meet grow their interest in camellias. And during the blooming season, share your flowers everywhere, ACS President Don Bergamini says.
27 .. Extend Your Reach...ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard
ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard encourages us to attend special events and shows in our communities and spread the word about camellias.
28 .. Donations, Honorariums, and Memorials
29 .. New and Rejoining Members
30 .. New Cultivars
31 .. Advertisers
Please support the businesses and nurseries that advertise in the Journal.
32 .. ACS Bequest: Help us do more of what we do best
A bequest is a simple way to support the American Camellia Society beyond your lifetime and provide financial security for ACS. Bequest provisions can be written to suit your exact inclination.