Camellia Journal March 2014 - May 2014
VOLUME 69, N0. 1
3 .. Table of Contents
‘Elaine’s Betty’ is a sport of ‘Betty Sheffield’ introduced by Jim and Elaine Smelley of Mosspoint, Mississippi. The flower has a pale pink center with occasional rose red stripes and spots, shading to a deeper pink at the petal edges. This photo honors the Smelleys who were awarded the Tablet of Honor in December. Cover photo by Randolph Maphis.

16 .. Camellias & Roses...Bradford King
Camellia season ends and rose season begins, giving us gorgeous flowers all year long. Bradford King compares the two side by side in this article.

2 .. Spotlight: Camellia japonica 'Magic City'...Bradford King
A flower like a beautiful engraved gem.
4 .. All Things Camellia: Tablet of Honor Awarded to Jim and Elaine Smelley...Roger Ann Davis
“If you love camellias, you have to love Jim Smelley,” Randolph Maphis said as he presented this prestigious award at the Pensacola convention.
6 .. All Things Camellia: Beautiful Pensacola...Bradford King
The American Camellia Society’s National Convention and Camellia Show December 11 – 14, 2013 had it all: beautiful camellias, beautiful scenes and gardens, and beautiful fellowship.
14 .. Cape Fear Botanical Garden...Jack Dewar
This garden in Fayetteville, North Carolina is home to the Mary McLaurin Camellia Garden, which has more than 300 cultivars.

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
24 .. Love of the Camellia...Michel Brondum
Michel Brondum tells of the love affair he and his wife, Gloria, developed over the years with camellias and the camellia garden he has built in her memory.
26 .. I Love Those Who Work So Hard for Camellias and ACS...ACS President Don Bergamini
ACS President Don Bergamini talks about the accomplishments at the Convention in Pensacola and the need for the endowment fund.
27 .. Peak Season or Not, There’s Always Beauty in the Gardens...ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard
Not even two major snowstorms and a harsh winter can blur the beauty of the flowers at Massee Lane Gardens, ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard says.
28 .. New Cultivars
29 .. New and Rejoining Members
30 .. Donations, Memorials, and Honorariums
31 .. Advertisers
Please support the nurseries and businesses that advertise in the ACS Camellia Journal.
32 .. Bequests