Camellia Journal September 2014 - November 2014
VOLUME 69, N0. 3
3 .. Table of Contents
The Cover: ‘Ville de Nantes’ is the variegated sport of Dr. Van Siebold’s 1834 ‘Donckelaeri’ with a dark red medium large semidouble flower with upright fimbriated petals that blooms mid to late season. Enjoy the many different faces of this lovely bloom due to the type and amounts of variegation seen on this issue’s cover. All photographs are by Randolph Maphis, except the top right, which is a Hulyn Smith photograph.

4 .. My Search for the Perfect 'Ville de Nantes'...Tommy Alden
Tommy Alden is searching for a perfect ‘Ville de Nantes’. Here he discusses the meaning of perfection.
16 .. Early birds and early camellias draw attention...Brad King
Sasanquas herald the camellia season, and gardeners everywhere look for those early blossoms just as they look forward to the first birds of the season.
19 .. Disneyland and Camellia Characters...Bradford King
From Cinderella to Goofy the Camellia World has borrowed from Disney’s world to name camellias.

2 .. Spotlight: Camellia hybrid ‘Raspberry Flambé’...Bradford King
This blossom bursts forth like a great dessert in a four-star French restaurant. By Bradford King.
6 .. The Camellia Trail Gardens: Planting Fields Arboretum...Vincent A. Simeone
This garden in Oyster Bay, New York began in 1915 and became the home of some 300 camellias brought from the Isle of Guernsey by William Robertson Coe. He built a lofty greenhouse to accommodate them.
8 .. All Things Camellia: ‘Oldies but Goodies’ Camellias from 1949 to 1965...J. D. Thomerson
J.D. Thomerson has a love for old things, particularly older camellias. He shares his thoughts and a gallery of camellias introduced from 1949 to 1965.
12 .. Remembering Our Past: Vernon McCaskill ‘High Wide’n Handsome’ as a camellia hybridizer...Bradford King
‘High Wide’n Handsome’ as a Camellia Hybridizer - Vernon McCaskill, owner of McCaskill Gardens and a prolific hybridizer from 1930 to 1988, had a knack for choosing descriptive names.
15 .. All Things Camellia: Camelliaitis Springs Eternal...Martha Ragland
The newly tapped energy and enthusiasm for all-things-camellia in Newberg, Oregon seems almost unstoppable. By Martha Ragland.

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
22 .. All Things Camellia: News from the International Congress in Spain...Florence Crowder
The amenities at the International Camellia Society Congress were lavish and presentations spectacular, ranging from the history to the present day uses of camellias. By Florence Crowder.
25 .. Thank you! Thank you! for the Good Work...ACS President Don Bergamini
ACS President Don Bergamini gives a report on the June Board meeting.
26 .. Announcing 100% Commitment...ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard
ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard is excited that the ACS Board members are 100% committed to the ongoing financial campaigns.
27 .. Donations, Honorariums, and Memorials
28 .. New and Rejoining Members and New Cultivars
29-30 .. 2015 National American Camellia Convention and Show
The Tallahassee Camellia Society invites you to attend a spectacular convention in January. See the details and schedule.
31 .. Advertisers
Please support the businesses and nurseries that advertise in the Journal.
32 .. ACS Bequest
Help us do more of what we do well.