Camellia Journal December 2015 - February 2016
Volume 70, Number 4
3 .. Table of Contents
The Cover: ‘Elegans Splendor’, a sport of ‘C.M. Wilson’, is a large to very large anemone light pink flower with serrated white petal edges. Cover Photo by Gene Phillips

4 The Top 10 Camellias
Bradford King has gone where angels fear to tread and named his top 10 choices.
12 Sunrise ... Sunset
The sun shines on the names of camellias as well as the blossoms. By Bradford King.
18 Icing on Camellias
Curls and ruffles, glossy and frosty finishes are just the icing on camellias. By Bradford King.
2 Spotlight: Reticulata 'Hall's Pride Variegated'
This rose pink blossom with wonderful white markings has become the most popular of the ‘Hall’s Pride’ offspring. By Bradford King
10 Remembering Our Past: Les, Felix and Mark Jury
The Jurys are a remarkable camellia family from New Zealand. By Bradford King.
15 In Search of Lost Loves
Gene Phillips introduces a new department in the Journal as he writes about the first of many old time favorite camellias.
16 The Camellia Trail Gardens: Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
Miles Beach writes about the camellias and history of Magnolia Plantation and Gardens near Charleston, South Carolina.

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
20 Lawrence Barlow's Service Honored
Larry Barlow gives his reasons for supporting ACS. It’s a good work, it’s educational, and it’s fun. By Camille Bielby.
22 President's Message: Each One, Mentor One
ACS President Jim Campbell asks Camellians to secure new members by mentoring, showing them how to do camellias.
23 Executive Director's Message: Unforgettable Gift Idea!
ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard explains the membership benefits included in the half-price Online Membership sale.
24 Gulf Coast Hears About International Congress, Care of Plants
Gulf Coast Society attendees had a good time and learned more about camellias at the annual meeting.
25 Viruses and Growing Camellias Were Subjects at Atlantic Coast Meeting
The Atlantic Coast Camellia Society enjoyed full attendance and great programs.
26 The 2016 ACS National Convention
Enjoy an atmosphere that is Uniquely Charleston at the annual convention on January 19-23, 2016. Our host is the Coastal Carolina Camellia Society.
28 Baton Rouge Camellia Society’s Outreach, Nursery Keep Members Involved
Baton Rouge won the 2014-2015 Show Seasons’ Best Membership Promotion Table Contest.
28 New and Rejoining Members and Donations and Memorials
30 New Camellia Cultivars
31 Nursery Advertisers
Please support the businesses and nurseries that advertise in the Journal.
32 Visit Magnolia Plantation and Gardens