Camellia Journal September 2016 - November 2016
VOLUME 71, NO. 3
3 .. Table of Contents
The Cover: C. reticulata hybrid 'Jack Mandarich', is a very large, spirea red, rose form double to formal double. It is C. reticulata hybrid 'Lilette Witman' x (C. reticulata x japonica 'Hulyn Smith'). The plant growth is upright and spreading with light green leaves. Cover photo by Bradford King.

6 .. When a Carnival or Circus Comes To Town...Bradford King
Thrilling camellias that might be found under the big top!
12 .. Big Bad Boys and Lovely Ladies...Bradford King
Bradford King reminds us why some women just can’t seem to resist bad boys.
16 .. In Between...Bradford King
Crosses of japonicas and other species make hybrids that fill in the camellia gaps.
2 .. Spotlight: C. japonica 'Georgia National Fair'...Bradford King
This vibrant red camellia has striking white markings and a unique history.
4 .. The Camellia Trail Gardens: Longue Vue House & Gardens...Amy Graham
The Longue Vue House & Gardens is a Classical Revival estate in New Orleans, Louisiana and features over 200 camellias. By Amy Graham
9 .. In Search of Lost Loves: 'Rev. John Bennett'...Gene Phillips
Gene Phillips highlights ‘Rev. John Bennett’ from the 1800’s which is still thriving today in one of America’s oldest gardens.
10 .. Remembering Our Past: Jack Mandarich...Bradford King
He was a past President of the ACS from 1983 to 1985 and loved to breed reticulata hybrids and lovingly name them after his friends and family.

Camellia Chronicles
21 .. ACS Convention, Oregon in 2017...Martha Ragland
Martha Ragland gives us a taste of what is to come at our national convention next year.
24 .. New Leadership...ACS President Jim Campbell
ACS President Jim Campbell welcomes all the recently elected ACS Board Members and State Directors to their new leadership positions.
25 .. New Voting Process...ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard
ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard details the newly approved voting process and how all ACS Members can participate and get the leadership they want in place.
26 .. New and Rejoining Members, Donations and Memorials.
27 .. New Cultivars Registered by the American Camellia Society
31 .. Statement of Ownership and the International Camellia Society Conservation Conference.
32 .. Advertising Support.