Camellia Journal September - November 2017
VOLUME 72, NO. 3
3 .. Table of Contents
The Cover: This very large, deep glowing pink to red semi-double to peony form bloom has darker veins, white anthers and white filaments. It consists of 9 to 13 broad, fluted and curled outer petals and 9 to 14 rabbit-eared inner petals with occasional petaloids. Dr. Walter E. Homeyer, Jr. bred the plant by crossing C. japonica 'Steve Blount' and C. reticulata 'Buddha'. Cover photo by Bradford King.

4 .. Mary Mary Quite Contrary...Bradford King
Bradford King selects the best “Mary” camellias for even the most contrary garden.
10 .. Everyone Loves Candy...Bradford King
Bradford King describes how candies lend themselves to be used as camellia names.
16 .. Picturesque Camellias...Bradford King
Some cultivar names that give us a vivid mental picture of the camellia flower.

2 .. Spotlight: Camellia Hybrid 'Honeymoon'...Bradford King
This medium to large semi-double has a striking golden center surrounded by creamy white petals.
7 .. Remembering our Past: David L. Feathers...Bradford King
California hybridizer David Feathers touted the camellia hobby as “a way to health and happiness.” By Bradford King.
13 .. In Search of Lost Loves...Gene Phillips
Gene Phillips highlights ‘Otome Pink’, which was introduced in 1911 by Tsukasa Kiyono, and often confused with our beloved ‘Pink Perfection’.
14 .. Camellia Trail: Botanic Gardens at Burden...Jeff Kuehny
Jeff Kuehny introduces the camellia collections in LSU AgCenter’s botanical garden.

Camellia Chronicles
News of Special Interest to ACS Members
24 .. ACS Convention to be held in Covington
The Northshore Camellia Club welcomes ACS to the “other side of the Lake.”
27 .. Camellia Show Discount Membership Special
A special promotional electronic membership offer is available to help recruit new members during cooperative camellia shows.
28 .. Dickson Encourages Leadership and Commitment...ACS President Jim Dickson
ACS President Jim Dickson asks for your help.
29 .. New Start at the New Season...ACS Executive Director Celeste Richard
Celeste Richard introduces new programs for Camellia Season.
30 .. New ACS Camellia Show Rules and Regulations Now Available
The ACS Judging Program has produced a new Camellia Show Rules and Regulations booklet which updates the governing procedures and judging of American Camellia Society Cooperative Shows.
30 .. New Plant Tags Promote Camellia Care and Culture, Education and ACS Website
The ACS Membership Committee’s plant tag project will help promote the Society’s website as an educational resource. The new plant tags were created for camellia clubs which hold plant sales.
30 .. Help with Pensacola Camellia Club’s Great Camellia Hunt
31 .. New and Rejoining Members, Donations and Memorials
32 .. Support the Journal’s Advertisers