Camellia Journal June - August 2020
Volume 75, Number 2

4 Camellias with White Borders
Bradford King explains how some camellia flowers have evolved with beautiful white borders over the years through open and controlled crosses.
14 Camellias with Strengths and Weaknesses
Many camellias with desirable characteristics often also are known for occasional unpopular features. By Bradford King.
22 Doctor Doctor
Bradford King describes camellias introduced or named for physicians and doctors of philosophy.

2 Spotlight: 'Cherries Jubilee'
Bradford King spotlights a delicious serving of ‘Cherries Jubilee’, a Nuccio’s Nurseries introduction.
10 Chronicles of a Crazy Collector and his Loving Wife: Carl J. Peck House and Dr. Robert E. Schwartz Properties
John Grimm finds the Carl J. Peck House and Dr. Robert E. Schwartz properties, in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
13 In Search of Lost Loves: 'Princess Lavender'
Gene Phillips highlights C. japonica ‘Princess Lavender’ that originated in Pensacola, Florida in 1950.
16 The Best Camellias Bred in Maryland
Bradford King tells how the pioneering work of Dr. William Ackerman made history by breeding camellias with a high tolerance for cold temperatures.
21 Noteworthy Camellias for the 21st Century: ‘Adrienne Boueres’
Mark Crawford tells about a ‘Frank Houser’ seedling named by Howard and Mary Rhodes for their daughter.

Camellia Chronicles
26 Chattahoochee Valley Camellia Society Honors John Newsome with Portrait
Sam Wellborn credits camellia judge John Newsome with helping the Columbus, Georgia club resume hosting annual camellia shows and honors him with a portrait.
28 President’s Message
ACS President Bradford King summarizes the outcomes of the three resolutions he made for ACS in 2020.
29 Acting Executive Director’s Message
ACS Acting Executive Director Matthew Israel highlights business meeting and announces ribbon cutting plans for new Lois and Leon Silver Camellia Center.
30 New and Rejoining Members, Donations, Memorials and Honorariums
32 Support the Journal’s Advertisers