Camellia Journal June - August 2021

Volume 76, Number 2


4 .. The Camellia Pinnacle...Bradford King

Bradford King highlights the beautiful and complicated formal double camellia flowers. When someone breeds a formal double camellia seedling, they are very likely to propagate and register it; consequently, there are many wonderful formal double camellias. Brad's photos capture some of the best.

10 .. Twenty Questions...Bradford King

Bradford King enjoyed playing Twenty Questions with his family because it taught deductive questioning and reasoning. The game became a popular radio quiz show in the 1940s and later a TV program. It inspired this article about flowers that have camellia counterparts.

14 .. Higo Brocade Camellias...Bradford King

Bradford King informs us that "nishiki" is the Japanese word for brocade - a shuttle woven fabric that appears embroidered. It is used in the names of several picturesque Higo camellia blooms that are described and illustrated.


2 .. Spotlight...Bradford King

Bradford King selected 'Man Size', a sport from 'magnoliaeflora' for the spotlight because it is one of the best camellia boutonnieres. It was introduced by Hody Wilson, a camellia pioneer from Louisiana.

16 .. Thinking Ahead...Jim Dickson

Jim Dickson reminds us that a new camellia season is approaching. Society meetings and camellia shows are scheduled with hope for a return to normalcy.

17 .. In Search of Lost Loves...Gene Phillips

Features 'Agnes Of The Oaks' which was introduced in 1949 by Frank A. Godchaux of Abbeville, Louisiana. Mr. Godchaux and his family were known for their generosity in sharing camellias and information about growing them to countless numbers of gardeners in the Abbeville area. The fact that 'Agnes Of The Oaks' is still blooming and thriving in gardens today stands as testimony of the love that he had many years ago.

18 .. The Best Camellias Bred in Mississippi...Bradford King

Bradford King describes the history of camellias in Mississippi before touting the ten most outstanding camellias bred in the state.

22 .. Chronicles of a Crazy Collector and His Loving Wife...John Grimm

John Grimm tells us an enjoyable story how he and his late wife Stephanie tracked down C. granthamiana on a winding road in old town Covington, Louisiana. The photos show why John said, "it truly shines when it is blooming . . . with its alligator skin foliage."

24 .. Noteworthy Camellias for the 21st Century...Mark Crawford

Mark Crawford tells an interesting story describing a very old camellia that was never officially named that caught the attention of someone wanting to name a camellia for his 90-year-old mother.