Camellia Journal March - May 2020
Volume 75, Number 1
3 Table of Contents
‘April Remembered’ is a cross made by Dr. Clifford Parks between ‘Bernice Boddy’ and ‘Dr. Tinsley’. It has a beautiful cold hardy bloom. Photo by Bradford King.

8 Annabelle Lundy Fetterman
Matt Hunter shares his admiration for ACS’ first woman president and her influence on the camellia community.
10 Whales Dolphins and Camellia Pods
Whales and dolphins group into pods, much like camellia seeds. By Bradford King.
21 Pretty Woman
Bradford King acknowledges romantic relationships with cultivars named for pretty women.
23 Camellia Milky Way
Bradford King observes white camellias in the garden are like stars in the solar system.

2 Spotlight: ‘Betty’s Beauty’
‘Betty’s Beauty’, a ‘Betty Sheffield Supreme’ sport, is in the spotlight. By Bradford King.
4 American Camellia Trail Historic Honey Horn
Dean Rowland introduces the garden and founders.
7 In Search of Lost Loves: 'Carolyn Tuttle'
Gene Phillips highlights C. japonica ‘Carolyn Tuttle’, introduced by Tuttle Brothers Nursery of Pasadena, California in 1954.
12 Chronicles of a Crazy Collector and his Loving Wife: The Hermitage
John Grimm finds the Crosby Garden in Picayune, Mississippi.
15 21st Noteworthy Camellias: ‘Laura’s Beauty’
Richard Crow tells about the camellia and its namesake, Laura Barnard.
16 Best Camellias in Southern California
Bradford King highlights the best camellias originating in Southern California.
Camellia Chronicles
24 Virginia Camellia Society Hosts Convention As COVID-19 Began
Bradford King tells how camellia enthusiasts stayed healthy and renewed friendships in Norfolk, Virginia.
26 President’s Message
ACS President Bradford King gives an update on the Silver campaign and the quarantined C. azalea seedlings.
27 Executive Director’s Message
ACS Executive Director Matthew Israel salutes Celeste Richard’s dedication and achievements
28 New and Rejoining Members, Donations, Memorials and Honorariums
31 57th Brookhaven Camellia Show Events Successful in Spite of a Season of Freezes
Bill Perkins tells how members’ warm hospitality overcame the challenge of a pre-show freeze.