Beeland Park Camellia Gardens - Greenville, Alabama

Beeland Park Camellia Gardens - Greenville, Alabama

Beeland Park Camellia Gardens - Greenville, Alabama

Facility Address 1016 East Commerce
Greenville, Alabama 36037
Postal / Zip Code: 36037
Hours of Operation Daylight hours - 7 day a week
Contact Mark Foshee, City of Greenville Horticulturist
Phone (334) 382-5222
Beeland Park, a historic property owned by the City of Greenville is a notable landmark gifted to the city in 1933 by Mr. R.A. Beeland. Through the efforts of the newly formed Greenville Camillia Society, the Beeland Park Camellia Gardens was recognized as an American Trail Camellia Garden in 2023. It spans eight acres of camellia plants, many of which are seedlings planted in the 40’s and 50’s by Greenville residents. Fourteen varieties were developed and registered by Greenville residents. Planting camellias began in 1947 when two Herme Red plants were planted in the sunken garden.

Greenville, Alabama, known as "The Camellia City," earned its title in the 1930s, reflecting the city's rich camellia heritage. This distinction was bolstered in 1959 when the Camellia Japonica was named Alabama's state flower. Beeland Park, developed with Civil Works Administration funds, became a community hub within eight months of its establishment.

The Greenville Camellia Society along with the partnership between the City of Greenville, the Greenville Chamber of Commerce, and the Sasanqua Garden Club aim to enhance Beeland Camellia Park Gardens further. Plans for 2024-2025 include a brick paver entrance, a soft path walking trail, and a children's area and event center, poised to enrich the community's cultural and educational landscape. The park's renovation will support field trips, guided tours, and educational events, fostering growth and preserving Greenville's historical essence.
Overview Provided by the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce